International cooperation

The Institute of Sociological Studies of the University of Rzeszów cooperates with many universities from abroad. As part of the LLP Erasmus+ program and the former Erasmus program, the Institute enables its students to travel within the program to one of 23 universities in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Romania, Turkey, Hungary and Italy. The Institute of Sociological Studies of the University of Rzeszow is also an Institute hosting students and employees within the framework of Erasmus+ program.

As part of bilateral cooperation, in 2014 the Institute of Sociological Studies started cooperation with its sister Institutes and Faculties from the St. Stephen University in Gödöllö  (Hungary) and the University of Oradea (Romania). The aim of this cooperation is to launch projects of joint publications, exchange of literature between Institute libraries and co-organization of scientific conferences in the field of social sciences. In 2014, the Institute of Sociological Studies of the UR also cooperated with the University of Presov as part of an international project entitled PWP – Integrated Program for the Development of the Field of Social Work of University of Rzeszow.

The field coordinator of the Erasmus+ program at the Institute of Sociological Studies of the University of Rzeszow is:

- In the field of Sociology and Social Work– dr Mariusz Palak