Science Club of Social Workers of the University of Rzeszow

The Student Science Club of Social Workers at the University of Rzeszów operates at the Institute of Sociological Studies. As part of its activities, various types of initiatives are undertaken, both of a scientific and charitable nature. Every year, members of the club organize holiday collections (Christmas and Easter) and pass on the received donations to those under their care. Scientific projects of the Club include:

  • editing a publication that contains the results of research jointly prepared and carried out with students, which were presented by students in the form of scientific articles: Pokrzywa M., Wilk S. (ed.), Klient agresywny w pracy socjalnej - rzeczywistość czy fikcja? (An aggressive client in social work - reality or fiction?), Institute of Sociology of the University of Rzeszow, Tomaszów Mazowiecki 2016.
  • developing and conducting international research in 2018 among students of social work, regarding the image of a social worker. The study was carried out in cooperation with the Lviv State University of Life Safety.
  • organizing a meeting with employees from the field of social work and social assistance, e.g. "Coffee meeting" with a family assistant, probation officer or a representative of the “Mateusz” Readaptation Center in Toruń (2016, 2017, 2018).
  • participation in a study visit to social economy entities in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and in the conference of the III Podkarpackie Forum Ekonomii Społecznej (3rd Podkarpackie Forum of Social Economy) as part of the project entitled "Coordination of the social economy sector in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 2018-2019" (2019).

Members of the Club also participate in scientific conferences organized and co-organized by the Institute of Social Studies, e.g. the conference entitled „Kondycja współczesnej rodziny w obliczu zagrożenia zjawiskiem depopulacji” (The condition of the modern family facing the threat of depopulation) (2019), or the online conference „Niepełnowidzialni – Reprezentacja niepełnosprawności w filmach, serialach i programach TV dla dzieci i młodzieży” (The Not Fully Visible - Representation of disability in films, series and TV programs for children and youth) (2021). Representatives of the Club also actively present papers at conferences, including: the scientific and training conference entitled „Interdyscyplinarne aspekty urody zdrowia i choroby” (Interdisciplinary aspects of beauty, health and disease) (2017), „Praca socjalna – Dystans społeczny – Zdrowie psychiczne” (Social work - Social distance - Mental health) (2020), „Rola rodzeństwa na różnych etapach życia człowieka” (The role of siblings at various stages of human life) (2020). In 2021, the Club organized a nationwide online conference titled: „Praca socjalna w Polsce – rozważania teoretyczne i praktyczne” (Social work in Poland - theoretical and practical considerations), in which members presented scientific papers of a theoretical and empirical nature. The articles were published in a peer-reviewed journal.


In the 2022/2023 academic year, the Club's Management Board consists of the following members:

Gabriela Ziętek - Chairman

Martyna Szymanek – Deputy chairman

Aneta Haligowska – Board Secretary

Aleksandra Wołoszyn - Treasurer

More information on the activity of the club can be found at