Science Club of Sociologists of the University of Rzeszów

The Student Science Club of Sociologists of the University of Rzeszów operating at the Institute of Sociological Studies of the University of Rzeszów brings together students who would like to actively participate in the life of the University, expand their knowledge, acquire additional practical skills, develop creativity and participate in the creation and animation of a broadly understood student culture.

Thanks to the involvement of its members, the activities of The Student Science Club of Sociologists of the UR have been very dynamic for years. During its operation, students have often carried out empirical research, both as part of their own research projects and commercially (commissioned by external institutions). As part of the club's activities, the following research projects have been conducted:

  • commercial empirical research commissioned by Goodrich Aerospace Poland in Krosno (April 2015),
  • commercial empirical research commissioned by the Krosno City Hall (2015),
  • commercial empirical research on the opinions of Krosno residents on the quality of life in the city commissioned by Goodrich Aerospace Poland (November 2016),
  • commercial empirical research commissioned by the Krosno City Hall (December 2017)
  • commercial empirical research commissioned by the Rzeszów City Hall regarding residents' opinions on the functioning of housing estates annexed to Rzeszów after 2006 (April/May 2017),
  • research for the Municipal and Communal Cultural Center in Tyczyn (January/March 2018),
  • "Assessment of the quality of education at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Rzeszów" (May/June 2019, co-participation).

In 2020-2021, the research project "Youth of Podkarpacie: aspirations, needs, problems" was operationalized. In 2021-2022, explication and operationalization of research was carried out entitled: "Cooperation of non-governmental organizations in Rzeszów with the city authorities" (work on the research is currently in progress).

Within the scope of activities of The Student Science Club of Sociologists of the UR, scientific conferences are organized, and Club’s representatives take part in numerous conferences in other scientific centres in Poland and abroad, both as passive participants and speakers. Members of the Club organized a scientific conference on „Nowe media i informatyka społeczna. Świat (po) rewolucji cyfrowej” (New media and social informatics. The world of/after the digital revolution) (May 24, 2017, Institute of Sociological Studies of UR), a scientific conference on " Świat (po) rewolucji cyfrowej (2)”  (The world of/after the digital revolution (2)) (December 13, 2017, Institute of Sociological Studies of UR) and a scientific conference on „Technopol, super-państwa, nowe tożsamości – systemy społeczne w zglobalizowanym świecie” (Technopoly, super-states, new identities – social systems in a globalized world) (May 7, 2019, Institute of Sociological Studies of UR). Students also took part in the following conferences and scientific events:

- „Dni Społeczne” (Social Days)(March 16-17, 2015, Catholic University of Lublin),

- 7th Congress of Young Sociology (April 22, 2016, Jagiellonian University),

- conference: „Social and ethical dimmensions of changes” (May 6, 2016, Rzeszow University),

- conference: „Socjologia jedzenia” (Sociology of eating) (June 9, 2016, Rzeszow University),

- conference: „Psychologia wobec problemów współczesnego świata” (Psychology vs. the problems of the modern world) (April 26, 2017, Catholic University of Lublin),

- 8th Congress of Young Sociology (May 19, 2017, Jagiellonian University),

- 1st International Congress of Human Rights  (May 19, 2018, Rzeszow University),

- International Scientific Conference „Nowa Socjalna Edukacja Człowieka” (New Social  Education) (November 6, 2018, University of Presov);

- International Scientific Conference „Cross-Cultural Perspectives of PhD Students and Their Preparation with Focus on Diversity and Interdisciplinarity” (November 7, 2018, Palacký University Olomouc);

- National Scientific Conference „Młodzi o sporcie” (Young managers about sports) (April 10, 2019, Jagiellonian University);

- 9th Congress of Young Sociology (April 3, 2018, Jagiellonian University);

- 10th Congress of Young Sociology (April 11, 2019, Jagiellonian University);

- National Scientific Conference „Poczuj, zobacz, usłysz – zmysły a społeczeństwo” (Feel, see, hear - senses and society) (April 26, 2019, Warsaw University of Life Sciences).

The result of the scientific activity of the members of the Student Science Club of Sociologists are scientific articles published by the UR Publishing House. In 2018, a book titled “Świat (po)cyfrowej rewolucji. W kręgu analiz socjologicznych” (The world of the (post)digital revolution. In the circle of sociological analyses.) was published. In 2021, a book titled “Perspektywy człowieka ponowoczesnego – wokół wybranych zagadnień” (Perspectives of postmodern man - selected issues.) was published. The books were edited by Agata Kotowska and contained articles by members of the Science Club.

Scientific trips organized by the Club bring a contribution to research and additionally they have cognitive and integrative value. Since 2016, the following science camps have been organized: May 9-11, 2016 in Zakopane, December 13-15, 2016 in Wroclaw, December 14-16, 2017 in Zakopane, May 8-10, 2018 in Kazimierz Dolny.

Members of the Student Science Club of Sociologists are also actively engaged in activities promoting UR and the Institute of Sociological Studies by participating in various types of popularization events. They participated, among others: at the educational fair “Salon Maturzystów Perspektywy 2017”, which took place on September 20-21, 2017 at the Rzeszów University of Technology and in the 2nd Educational Fair for universities, which took place on January 31, 2019 at the 6th Secondary School in Rzeszów. Students also undertake other organizational tasks. As part of the cooperation with Exacto Public Relations from Rzeszów, they took part in the organization of the nationwide Congress of Public Relations Professionals, 2015 (Rzeszów, April 23-24,  2015).

In 2018, members of the Student Science Club of Sociologists regularly hosted a program on the Academic Radio of the University of Rzeszów,