About the Faculty

Faculty of Biology and Agriculture

Faculty of Biology and Agriculture was established in 2005 on the basis of experiences  of Rzeszow Branch of Agricultural University in Cracow (founded in 1973 )  as a very first academic  institution of this type located in the south-eastern Poland. Currently, the Faculty is one of the few scientific and educational units in Poland whose profile activities complementary focus on the field of agricultural and  natural sciences.  


Education at the Faculty includes:


A.    Undergraduate  and graduate courses in:




Environment Protection

Food Technology and Human Nutrition

Landscape Architecture

Logistics in Agro-Food Sector

Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management


Undergraduate courses 

First-cycle studies (3 to 3,5 years) leading to the professional title of a licencjat or inżynier (Engineer) - Polish equivalent of the Bachelor’s degree.

Graduate courses 

Second-cycle studies – Master’s degree programme (1.5 to 2 years) following the first cycle studies and leading to the professional title of Master (magister) or Master Engineer (magister inżynier). 


B.  Doctoral courses:

Third-cycle studies – Doctoral degree programmes (usually 3 to 4 years) accessible for graduates of a Master’s degree programme, leading to a PhD degree:

·    in the field of biological sciences,

·    in the field of agricultural sciences.


C. Postgraduate courses – offer:

·    Analytics and health safety of food

·    Food biotechnology

·    The economics of agricultural production

·    Manager of food products quality and human nutrition

·    Environmental monitoring

·    Food technology with elements of human nutrition

·    Technologies in agricultural production systems and rural development

·    Food, gastronomy and dietetics

·    Oenology


In the academic year 2015/2016 there were over 1.600 students at the Faculty and approximately  1.500 graduates of all courses. Faculty offers full-time and part-time courses.

Research conducted by academic staff employed at the Faculty have the cognitive and utilitarian value oriented to cooperation with business, industry and local government units.


The Faculty staff participates actively in numerous programes, compaigns, actions and events popularizing science. 


Most important activities of the Faculty popularizing science include:

·  activities for youth within „Summer holidays meetings with nature”  (Natural Science Museum of Bieszczady National Park)

·  workshops for „academic classes” in biology and environmental science developing biological talents of school pupils

·  participation in natural science films making, which promotes the natural values ​​of National Parks and Natura 2000 sites

·  realisation of project „Biology for talented students” for pupils at high school,

·  series of open lectures for youth "Biology for everyone" within World Water Day

·  Conferences for employees of Bieszczady National Park


Wish to gain an attractive  occupation – enroll in the Faculty of Biology and Agriculture!


Our Faculty offers:

·    high quality education

·    professional  staff

·    modern and  unique equipment

·    development of skills compatible with  your own interests

·    friendly and open environment for studying

·    conditions to develop your interests and to actively spend time

·    possibility of studying within international student exchange

·    professional  foreign language education

·    conditions for studying for the disabled.