Professor Teresa Miś

Contact details:

  • telephone: (+48) 17 872 16 39
  • e-mail:  [email protected]
  • address: ul. Ćwiklińskiej 2, Rzeszów, Room 313


  • Associate Professor  

Courses taught:

  • EU Programs and Projects
  • Methodological Foundations of Consulting
  • Project Management
  • Economic Consulting
  • Business Consulting
  • EU Advisory Institutions
  • Local and Regional Development Strategy 
  • Project Effectiveness Assessment 
  • BA Seminar  
  • MA Seminar

Scope of scientific research:

  • Economics  
  • EU funds and programs 
  • Institutional environment of businesses and households
  • Consulting and information  
  • Human and social capital
  • Regional development policy
  • Multifunctional and sustainable development of rural areas

Scope of scientific research according to the JEL classification:

  • A 1 General Economics 
  • D 8 Information, Knowledge and Uncertainty
  • E 02 Institutions and the Macroeconomy
  • F 36 Financial Aspects of Economic Integration
  • L 26 Entrepreneurship
  • Q 01 Sustainable Development
  • Q 18 Agricultural Policy, Food Policy
  • R 58 Regional Development Planning and Policy

Grants and research projects:

  • Participated in the UE funded research grant “Networking in the Area of Innovation Between Rural Entrepreneurs and R&D in the Rzeszowski, Ropczycko-Sędziszowski and Bieszczadzki Districts” (No. Z/2.18/II/2.6/65/06); duration 2006-2007
  • Participated in the Polish Ministry of Higher Education (MNiSW) research grant “The Role of Local Institutions in the Transformation of Agriculture with Fragmented Farm Structure (following Poland’s accession to the EU)” (No.  N11400931/2320); duration: 2007-2008
  • Managed the Polish Ministry of Higher Education (MNiSW) research grant „Significance of Advisory Institutions in Development of Rural Areas After the Poland’s Accession to the EU” (No. N N114 056 036); duration: 2009-2011
  • Participated in the EFRR grant ”People and the Nature – Transferring Knowledge and Experience in the Carpathian Euroregion” (No. PL-SK/KAR/IPP/III/124); duration: 2013-2014

International scholarships, internships and research visits:

  • Study visit to University of Aberdeen, UK
  • Research visit to Cornell University, USA
  • Study visit to consulting institutions, cooperatives, research institutes and farm organizations in Slovenia and Italy 
  • Study visit, Slovakia
  • Study visit to University of California, Berkeley, USA

Past and present functions:

  • Organized and presided over seminar ”European Union Funds as an Improvement Factor of Competitiveness and Standard of Living in the Rural Areas of Podkarpacie” held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Rzeszów on 9th June 2016
  • Member of the organizing committee of conference ”Opportunities and Barriers to Development of Environmental and Socio-Economic Functions of Mountain Areas” held by the Polish Academy of Science and University of Rzeszów, Bukowiec, 3-4th June 2009
  • Member of the Faculty of Economics Admissions Committee 
  • Member of the Faculty of Economics Committee for Science and Faculty Development
  • Chair of the Faculty of Economics Committee for Didactics and Education,
  • Reviewer of monographs for Texter (publishing house) and of scientific papers for  the following journals: “Przedsiębiorstwo&Finanse”, “Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego” 
  • Member of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
  • Member of the Polish Economic Society
  • Member of the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists

Business and Institutional Cooperation:

  • Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute, Warsaw: participated in the making of two reports on: assessment of institutional environment for agriculture and rural areas, and assessment of effectiveness of coordination among specific institutions for development of agriculture;
  • Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA): participated in a panel of experts, on the side of the University of Rzeszów, to make an assessment of threats  and opportunities as well as prospects of development of rural areas in Poland in regional perspective in order to channel potential support of the EU funding after 2013;
  • Centers of Agricultural Consulting and Chambers of Agriculture: participated in the making of a report for the Polish Ministry of Agriculture on the assessment of farmer’s use of the EU funds and programs;
  • Center of Agricultural Consulting – participated in a panel of experts on assessment of public consulting in  the light of future challenges and expectations of rural inhabitants concerning years 2014-2020,
  • Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR) – organized a seminar on assessment of the role of the EU funds in increasing competitiveness and standard of living in the rural areas of Podkarpacie.

Publications (since 2011):