General information about ICCM
General information about Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling (ICCM)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling (ICCM) is a part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszow. Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling was brought to life by the Resolution No. 229/11/2013 of the Senate of the University of Rzeszow. It is located in 1 Pigonia Street in Rzeszow. It was built and equipped from the project funds within the Regional Operational Programme of Podkarpacie Province for the years 2007-2013. Since April 2014 the head of Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling is Jan G. Bazan, Prof. PhD DSc. At present, sixteen researches specializing in Information Technology are employed in Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling (ICCM), three Associate Professors. Also there are nine researches with the PhDs and four MScs.
The rooms are equipped not only with 120 modern PC work station but there is also a computing cluster of about 7.5 TeraFLOPS, 88 processors INTEL Xeon E5-2620 (each with 6 cores, timing frequency 2.0 GHz and 15MB cash memory), 1TB memory RAM (258 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz) and 18 TB of disc space. This is the most computing power in the region of Podkarpacie Province enabling the effective execution of complex calculations connected with the research projects which require the massive concurrency calculations (simultaneously on high number of processors or cores because the computing cluster gives a possibility of conducting calculations on 240 calculation paths at the same time). Moreover, Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling (ICCM) standard equipment includes: the control set of the technological process based on advanced microprocessor technology, test identification using iris dactyloscopic images, kits for tracking and face recognition, kits for automatic tracking of the human figure in the video stream.
Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling’s mission is to conduct the following activities.
1. Inspiring and conducting interdisciplinary research located at the interface of Computer Science and other fields.
2. Supporting activities aimed at obtaining and imptementation of the research grants.
3. Providing an access to the resources of Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling, through awarding of the calculation grants. It means to have the right to use the computing power available in Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling.
4. Improving the quality of education at our university by using the equipment of Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling in teaching.
5. Increasing the educational offer at the University of Rzeszow by introducing the new fields of study, namely, Information Technology and Econometrics and introducing Cognitive Science specialisation in the field of Technical and Information Technology Education.
6. Establishing the cooperation with the business which will be based on mutual realization with the companies of different brunches of research and implementation projects.
The main research interests of Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling academic staff:
- Data mining, especially for applications connected with the automatic decision making processes in complex systems, e. g. in medicine and other Life Sciences.
- Modelling and analysis of the real-time systems using formal methods.
- Computer Graphics and 2D and 3D modelling.
- Augmented Reality.
- Computer Vision with the processing and image recognition and an action vision systems.
- Management IT system of the electricity consumption.
Tasks, the internal structure and the detailed principles of functioning of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling are defined in regulations. The research teams are created for the needs of conducting the research requiring calculations on a large scale.