Undergraduate and graduate studies offered:
College of Humanities
Applied Linguistics: Lingwistyka stosowana
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish, English
Archaeology: Archeologia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Culture Studies: Kulturoznawstwo
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
English Philology: Filologia angielska
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
German Philology:
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish,
Graphics: Grafika
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Historical and Cultural Tourism: Turystyka historyczna i kulturalna
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
History: Historia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Instrumental Studies: Instumentalistyka
3-year undergraduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Intercultural communication: Komunikacja międzykulturowa
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Jazz and Popular Music: Jazz i muzyka rozrywkowa
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Journalism and Social Communication: Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Music Education: Edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuki muzycznej
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Philosophy: Filozofia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Polish Philology: Filologia polska
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Russian Philology: Filologia rosyjska
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Speech Therapy and Teaching Polish as a Second Language: Logopedia z nauczaniem języka polskiego jako obcego
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Visual Arts: Sztuki wizualne
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Painting: Malarstwo
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Teaching foreign languages: English and Russian : Nauczanie języków obcych: język angielski i rosyjski
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
College of Natural Sciences
Agriculture: Rolnictwo
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Agroforestry: Agroleśnictwo
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies
language of instruction: Polish
Biology: Biologia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Biotechnology: Biotechnologia
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Food Technology and Human Nutrition: Technologia Żywności i Żywienie Człowieka
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Diagnostic Systems in Medicine: Systemy diagnostyczne w medycynie
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies
language of instruction: Polish
Environment Protection: Ochrona środowiska
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Information Technology: Informatyka
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Information Technology and Econometrics: Informatyka i Ekonometria
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Logistics in Agriculture and Food Industry: Logistyka w sektorze rolno-spożywczym
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Material Engineering: Inżynieria materiałowa
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Mathematics: Matematyka
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Mechatronics: Mechatronika
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Landscape Architecture: Architektura krajobrazu
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Ocular Optics: Optyka okularowa
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies
language of instruction: Polish
Physics: Fizyka
3-semester graduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management: Odnawialne źródła energii i gospodarka odpadami
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies, 3-semester graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Nanotechnology: Nanotechnologia
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies
language of instruction: Polish
Product development manager: Menedżer rozwoju produktu
7-semester undergraduate engineering studies
language of instruction: Polish
College of Social Sciences
Administration: Administracja
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Internal Security: Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Economics: Ekonomia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
European Studies: Studia europejskie
2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Finance and Accounting: Finanse i rachunkowość
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Family Studies: Nauki o rodzinie
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
International Relations: Stosunki Międzynarodowe
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Law: Prawo
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Pedagogy: Pedagogia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Preschool and Elementary School Pedagogy: Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Political Science: Politologia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Social Work: Praca socjalna
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Sociology: Socjologia
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Special Needs Education: Pedagogika specjalna
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Public governance: Zarządzanie państwem
3-year undergraduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
Urban studies: Studia miejskie
2-year graduate studies
language of instruction: Polish
College of Medical Sciences
Dietetics: Dietetyka
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Electro-radiology: Elektroradiologia
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Emergency Medical Services: Ratownictwo medyczne
3-year undergraduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Medical Analytics: Analityka medyczna
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Medicine: Kierunek lekarski j.polski
6-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Medicine - English Division: Kierunek lekarski w języku angielskim
6-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: English
Midwifery: Położnictwo
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Nursing: Pielęgniarstwo
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Physical Education: Wychowanie fizyczne
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Physiotherapy: Fizjoterapia
5-year (uniform Master’s) studies
language of instruction: Polish
Public Health: Zdrowie publiczne
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish
Tourism and Recreation: Turystyka i rekreacja
3-year undergraduate studies, 2-year graduate studies,
language of instruction: Polish