Rules For Applying For A Place In Student Dormitories





The rules of applying for a housing in the UR Student House are described in: REGULATIONS FOR BENEFITS FOR UR STUDENTS

Step 1. Select the Student House of the University of Rzeszów where you want to live, preferably the one closest to the place of study, from the following:

  • DS FILON – ul. Cicha 4,
  • DS LAURA – ul. Cicha 2,
  • DS OLIMP – ul. Siemieńskiego 17,
  • DS MERKURY - ul. Ćwiklińska 2 b,
  • HILTON – ul. Ćwiklińska 2c,

Step 2. Fill in application for a room in a dormitory:

  • provide the following information required in the application: personal data, college, field of study, year and form of studies, etc.
  • select relevant Student House.
  • select the type of room, in the case of a single room, attach the required documents.
  • complete the declarations included in the application,
  • sign the application

Step 3. Submit an application to the Education Department/Social Affairs Section, building A1, room 36, 35-959 Rzeszów, 16 C Rejtana str., on the above-mentioned dates. Regulations, i.e.:

  • people enrolled to studies from the winter semester and students of higher years of studies applying for a room in a dormitory for the first time:
  • 1st round – until August 2
  • 2nd round – until September 20
  • people enrolled to studies from the summer semester and students of higher years of studies applying for a place in a dormitory for the first time - until February 20.
  • REMEMBER! you should immediately inform the Education Department/Social Affairs Section if you decide not to apply for a place in a dormitory. UR in person, by email or by phone (178721025)

Step 4. Decisions on granting a room in a dormitory. UR:

  • undertaken by the Rector's Plenipotentiary for UR Student Dormitories, until the limit of available places is filled,
  • if the number of applications exceeds the number of vacant places in the dormitory, about granting a place in the dormitory. Depends on the distance of the student's residence from the UR.
  • The student receives a place in the dormitory for the entire period of study, excluding the summer months, i.e. July, August, September.
  • information about granting/not granting a place in a dormitory you will receive by e-mail, within 5 days from the date of submitting the application:

to the university email address – for the enrolled students,

to the e-mail address given during the recruitment process – for people admitted to studies.

Step 5. Positive decision

  • If you receive a positive decision, then within the 7 days from the date of receiving information about being granted a place in a dormitory you have to:
  • personally confirm your residence in the DS to the SD manager by paying the deposit in the amount generated by the SD manager to the student's sub-account, in the amount equal to the one-month fee for the allocated place in the dormitory. In accordance with the order of the Rector of UR - you will find out about the amount of the deposit and the account number from the dormitory manager.
  • sign an accommodation contract.

Step 6. Negative decision

  • If you receive a negative decision, you will be put on the reserve list. Granting a place is possible in case of other person’s resignation from a place in a dormitory.
  • The decision to grant a place to people from the reserve list is made by the head of a given dormitory.

Step 7. Accommodation

  • Accommodation in a dormitory takes place on the date specified by the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Student Dormitories, communicated to students, but no later than:
  • by October 3 of a given academic year for students who received a place in a dormitory from the winter semester.
  • by March 5 of a given academic year for students who received a place in a dormitory from the summer semester.
  • up to 7 days from the date of receiving information about being granted a place in a dormitory, if the application has been submitted during the academic year.
  • REMEMBER! If you have obtained a place in a DS. for the entire period of study, you are obliged to reserve a place in the dormitory to the head of the dormitory, for each subsequent academic year - by June 30.

Step 8. Rules of residence in the dormitory. UR

  • Rules of residence and fees in the dormitory. UR defines the Regulations of UR Student Dormitories - read them and follow these rules, this way you will ensure comfortable living for yourself and others
  • The amount of accommodation fees for a given academic year is determined by the Rector's Order.

Step 9. Loss of the right to reside in DS. UR

  • you lose the right to the allocated place in the dormitory in case of:
  1. failure to confirm the intention to live in the dormitory after receiving information about the placement,
  2. at the end of the period for which the place in the dormitory was allocated,
  3. graduation,
  4. removal from the student list,
  5. suspension of the student rights,
  6. severe violations of the rules of residence in the dormitory outlined in the Regulations of the UR Student Dormitories, in accordance with the decision of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education issued at the request of the dormitory manager, in particular the principles of social coexistence, by exposing other people to harmful and burdensome effects of one's behavior, including: lack of respect or behavior violating the so-called good manners,
  7. failure to comply with the above-mentioned accommodation date,
  8. failure to reserve a place in the dormitory for the next academic year by June 30.

Application for a place in DUR

Application for change of place in DUR