Student Union


Academic calendar



Students ‘Academic Interest Circles registered at the University of Rzeszow

I. Faculty of Biology and Agriculture

  1. Animal EQUUS
  2. Landscape Architecture "Perspektywa"
  3. Evaluation and Food Processing
  4. Natural Scientists
  5. Farmers “ Włościanin”
  6. Food Technologists "Ferment"
  7. Sustainable Development

II. Faculty of Economics

  1. Economists’

III. Faculty of Philology

  1. Cultural anthropologists
  2. English Philology
  3. Applied Linguistics
  4. German literature
  5. Methodological for PhDs (with) and without Theory
  6. Polish Philology
  7. Russian Philology
  8. Polish Philology Students’ Theatre S.T.O.S
  9. Translation and Intercultural Communication "Hieronimus"
  10. International Students” Cooperation DAF

IV Faculty of Medicine

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Young electroradiologist
  3. Nursing
  4. Midwives
  5. Health Promotion
  6. Emergency Medical Services

V. Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty

  1. Physicists
  2. "Trojan"
  3. IT Scientists
  4. Mathematicians
  5. Nanotechnology Scientists

VI Law and Administration Faculty

  1. Europeans "Europe"
  2. Philosophy and Theory of Law
  3. Grant
  4. Administrative Law
  5. Civil Law
  6. Law "IUS"
  7. Financial Law and Tax Law
  8. "Amicis Curiae"
  9. Criminal Law "Justice and Peace"
  10. Criminal Law "Themis"
  11. Constitutional Law "Constitutio"
  12. International and European Law
  13. Labour Law
  14. Lawyers - Social Pathology Section

VII Pedagogy and Art Faculty

  1. Animators of Literary Culture of Children
  2. Exploration in the field of culture, education and musical interpretation
  3. Family Studies
  4. Penitentiary Section of Educators’ Scientific Circle
  5. Teachers and Educators of Special Pedagogy
  6. Work Educators and Career Counsellors
  7. Interdisciplinary Student Circle “ Vita Activa”
  8. Korczak Circle
  9. Matriks

VII. Sociology and History Faculty

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Historians
  3. "Semper Fidelis"
  4. Cultural Studies
  5. Political scientists
  6. Social Workers
  7. Sociologists

IX Physical Education Faculty

  1. Agritourism
  2. Animators of Leisure
  3. History of physical education
  4. Young Anthropologists
  5. Science and Tourism "Docendo Discimus"
  6. Travellers
  7. Sociology of Sport
  8. Theory and Practice of Training Sports
  9. Tourism and Nature "Azalia"
  10. Institute of Martial Arts and Individual Sports

X Faculty of Biotechnology

  1. Biotechnology "BIO-TECH"

XI. Interdisciplinary Institute of Philosophy

  1. Philosophers’ Circle

XII Faculty of Arts

  1. Scientific-Artistic "RAZEM"