Student Union
Academic calendar
Students ‘Academic Interest Circles registered at the University of Rzeszow
I. Faculty of Biology and Agriculture
- Animal EQUUS
- Landscape Architecture "Perspektywa"
- Evaluation and Food Processing
- Natural Scientists
- Farmers “ Włościanin”
- Food Technologists "Ferment"
- Sustainable Development
II. Faculty of Economics
- Economists’
III. Faculty of Philology
- Cultural anthropologists
- English Philology
- Applied Linguistics
- German literature
- Methodological for PhDs (with) and without Theory
- Polish Philology
- Russian Philology
- Polish Philology Students’ Theatre S.T.O.S
- Translation and Intercultural Communication "Hieronimus"
- International Students” Cooperation DAF
IV Faculty of Medicine
- Physiotherapy
- Young electroradiologist
- Nursing
- Midwives
- Health Promotion
- Emergency Medical Services
V. Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty
- Physicists
- "Trojan"
- IT Scientists
- Mathematicians
- Nanotechnology Scientists
VI Law and Administration Faculty
- Europeans "Europe"
- Philosophy and Theory of Law
- Grant
- Administrative Law
- Civil Law
- Law "IUS"
- Financial Law and Tax Law
- "Amicis Curiae"
- Criminal Law "Justice and Peace"
- Criminal Law "Themis"
- Constitutional Law "Constitutio"
- International and European Law
- Labour Law
- Lawyers - Social Pathology Section
VII Pedagogy and Art Faculty
- Animators of Literary Culture of Children
- Exploration in the field of culture, education and musical interpretation
- Family Studies
- Penitentiary Section of Educators’ Scientific Circle
- Teachers and Educators of Special Pedagogy
- Work Educators and Career Counsellors
- Interdisciplinary Student Circle “ Vita Activa”
- Korczak Circle
- Matriks
VII. Sociology and History Faculty
- Archaeologists
- Historians
- "Semper Fidelis"
- Cultural Studies
- Political scientists
- Social Workers
- Sociologists
IX Physical Education Faculty
- Agritourism
- Animators of Leisure
- History of physical education
- Young Anthropologists
- Science and Tourism "Docendo Discimus"
- Travellers
- Sociology of Sport
- Theory and Practice of Training Sports
- Tourism and Nature "Azalia"
- Institute of Martial Arts and Individual Sports
X Faculty of Biotechnology
- Biotechnology "BIO-TECH"
XI. Interdisciplinary Institute of Philosophy
- Philosophers’ Circle
XII Faculty of Arts
- Scientific-Artistic "RAZEM"