Make a donation

The University of Rzeszów is a young, modern university with excellence at the heart of our social mission. The University is continually transforming into a university of international scope and significance. We conduct top quality research, especially of an interdisciplinary and cross-field nature, creating advanced knowledge which we share with the world. This is a place of unlimited possibilities and freedom of research and teaching. Support the University of Rzeszów’s activities and make a donation today.

Support us with your donation
With your donation, you can support the University and its statutory purposes, especially education, development of students and academic staff, research, and innovation activities. Anybody can donate including: University of Rzeszów alumni, companies, public institutions, foundations and charity organisations, government bodies, non-government organisations (NGOs), entrepreneurs, and private individuals.
As many countries offer tax incentives on charitable donations, it is worthwhile to give generously to support educational, cultural and image-based activities.

Donations can be made directly using the account details below

Bank name: PEKAO SA
Address: ul. Żubra 1, 01-066 Warszawa, Poland

Account numbers:
          PL:     PL90 1240 2614 1111 0000 3970 2135
          EUR:  PL43 1240 6292 1978 0011 0187 0752
          USD:  PL58 1240 6292 1787 0011 4955 8539

Swift Code:  PKOPPLPW

Transfer description: ‘Donation for statutory purposes of the University of Rzeszów.’

If you wish to make a donation for a particular purpose, please specify this in the transfer description (for example, monetary donation for statutory purposes of the University of Rzeszów… / for the Faculty of… / for the Department of… / for the Centre… / for the Rzeszów University Central Library / for the Alumni Association / purchase of… / for the funding or endowment of a specific activity / for a Student Research Club, etc.)

Finance Department
phone: +48 17 872 10 09