
A new term of office for the Rector of the University of Rzeszów, Prof. Ph.D., D. Sc., M.D. Adam Reich, has begun

As of September 1, 2024, a new rectoral term has begun at the University of Rzeszów. Our institution is now led by the newly elected rector, Prof. Ph.D., D. Sc., M.D. Adam Reich, who will oversee the academic and administrative development of our Alma Mater for the next four years. 

Alongside the new rector, the university will also be supported by newly appointed vice-rectors and deans. This team aims to achieve sustainable development for the university, support innovative projects, and build lasting relationships with partner institutions. 

The Authorities of the University of Rzeszów 

Rector of the University of Rzeszów, Professor Ph.D., D. Sc., M.D., Adam Reich 

Vice-rectors of the Rector's Term 2024-2028 

Vice-rector for Students and Educational Affairs, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc., Sabina Grabowska 

Vice-rector for the College of Natural Sciences, Professor UR, Ph.D., D. Sc., Józef Cebulski 

Vice-rector for the College of Medical Sciences, Professor Ph.D., D. Sc., M.D., Artur Mazur 

Vice-rector for the College of Social Sciences, Professor, Ph.D., D. Sc., Jolanta Szempruch 

Vice-rector for the College of Humanities, Professor, Ph.D., D. Sc., Janusz Pasterski 

Deans of the 2024-2028 Term 

Bogdan Wierzbiński, Prof. UR, Ph.D., D. Sc., Dean of the College of Social Sciences 

Rafał Podgórski, Prof. UR, Ph.D., D. Sc., Dean of the College of Medical Sciences 

Jadwiga Topczewska, Prof. UR, Ph.D., D. Sc., Dean of the College of Natural Sciences 

Agnieszka Myszka, Prof. UR, Ph.D., D. Sc., Dean of the College of Humanities 

The start of a new rectoral term is also an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the University of Rzeszów so far and to set new directions for development. We are confident that the coming years will be a time of continued growth and strengthening of our university’s position as one of the leading academic centres in Poland. 

We wish the new Rector and the entire academic community of the University of Rzeszów success in achieving their goals and many fruitful years of working together! 

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