
“Panek 2024” - The best diploma of the Institute of Fine Arts of UR

The winner of the 16th edition of the Jerzy Panek Award for the Best Diploma of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Rzeszów completed in 2024 was Ms. Gabriela Rytarowska. The title of Ms. Gabriela's artistic work is “Dżalaloddin Rumi. The Intoxicated Angel. Mystical Tales. Illustrations.” The work was done in the Digital Drawing Studio. The supervisor of the work was prof. Dorota Sankowska and Ms. Aneta Suslinnikow.
In addition, awards were given to:
Ms. Alicja Orszewska/ title of artistic work: “The Best Period in Life. Stop-motion Animation”
Design and Multimedia Forms Studio
Supervisor: Karolina Niwelińska, Ph.D
Ms. Marcja Olbrycht/ title of artistic work: “Oneiric Garden”.
Digital Printing Studio
Supervisor: prof. Joanna Janowska-Augustyn

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