Professorial nomination

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. hab. Robert Pązik from the Faculty of Biotechnology at the Medical College of the University of Rzeszów, by order of President Andrzej Duda, received the title of professor of exact and natural sciences, in the discipline of chemical sciences.
In his scientific life, Prof. Robert Pązik deals with the broadly understood chemistry of nanomaterials from synthesis through characterization of physicochemical properties to determining the potential possibilities of their practical applications. In his scientific career, he was and is associated with such national centers as the University of Opole (MSc), the Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław (PhD and habilitation) and the University of Rzeszów (currently). His achievements include 78 scientific publications (h index - 27, 1902 citations), manager of two NCN projects (Sonata and Opus), manager of the PCI application project, two-time winner of the French government scholarship (SSHN and BGF), FNP scholarship holder (Start), awarded the Janikowa Prize (PTChem). Co-author of 8 patents of the Polish Patent Office, participant of many international conferences (17 lectures), participant of many short and long-term scientific internships in such scientific centers as University Clermont Auvergne (France), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet SLU (Sweden, 2-year postdoctoral internship), University of Verona (Italy), Turku University (Finland) and the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAN (Warsaw). Supervised 2 PhD students (Wrocław University of Technology) and Rzeszów University of Technology, several masters, bachelor's and engineers (University of Wrocław, Wrocław University of Technology, University of Rzeszów). Reviewer in doctoral dissertations (12 works), member of the committee in habilitation proceedings (RDN), member of the International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS), American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Chemical Society (RSC). An expert cooperating with the Polish Accreditation Committee in the field of chemical sciences and a member of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. For the last few years, he has served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology (2018-2019), Director of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology (2019-2023), Director of the Institute of Biotechnology (2023-2024), Senator for two terms, Deputy Chairman of the Science Committee of the University of Agriculture (2019-2024) and member of the Podkarpackie Innovation Council at the Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.