
The Medical Final Examination at the University of Rzeszów

On September 21, for the fourth time, the Medical Final Examination (LEK) took place within the walls of the University of Rzeszów. A total of 510 individuals, including graduates from the university’s Faculty of Medicine, participated in the exam. At exactly 11:00 AM, they began working

on the test, which lasts four hours. The LEK is a key step toward obtaining full medical qualifications and serves as the culmination of several years of medical studies.

The LEK, or Medical Final Examination, is a test consisting of 200 questions with one correct answer. To pass the LEK, examinees must achieve at least 56% of the maximum score.

The LEK was held in Rzeszów for the first time in the region’s history on September 18, 2021.

We are especially proud that among the candidates are our graduates, who have gained their knowledge and skills here at our university over the years. We wish all the examinees the best of luck and keep our fingers crossed for their success!

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