
The University of Rzeszów joined the Podkarpackie Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions

Representatives of universities operating in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship establish the Podkarpackie Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions.

January 14, Rector of the University of Rzeszów, prof. Adam Reich, together with the Rectors of Rzeszów universities, signed a declaration of joining the Podkarpackie Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions. During the meeting, a presentation included: regarding planned projects and initiatives was delivered by prof. Jolanta Szempruch, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation

The Podkarpackie Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions brings together representatives of universities operating in the region. The aim of this initiative is not only to integrate the academic community, but also to strengthen the role of universities in creating innovative solutions and building a strong identity of the region on the scientific map of Poland and Europe.

The Podkarpackie Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions was established as one of the areas of the project implemented by the Provincial Labor Office in Rzeszów, which is financed from the funds of the National Reconstruction and Resilience Plan as an advisory body to the Voivodeship Marshal in the context of the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (ZSU 2030).

The aim of the Council is to cooperate in the idea of ​​building a system for coordinating and monitoring regional activities for vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning, including adult learning.

Assumed competences and tasks of the Council:


  • taking actions to develop public and private higher education in the region,
  • inspiring and coordinating cooperation between universities headed by rectors - PRRSW members,
  • involvement of universities in activities implementing the Integrated Skills Strategy (ZSU 2030) in the area of ​​higher education,
  • establishing cooperation between representatives of universities and key employers of the region, especially in the area of ​​smart specializations in line with the Regional Innovation Strategy (RSI),
  • addressing issues related to the modification of higher education programs in cooperation with employers and labor market institutions,
  • taking actions to develop standards for internships and professional practice in cooperation with employers,
  • taking actions to minimize the discrepancies between education and labor market needs,
  • taking action to support lifelong learning.


The Podkarpackie Voivodeship faces the challenge of introducing new solutions that will enable sustainable development and adaptation to the changing economic situation. The perspective of reconstruction and transformation of our region is long-term, which requires a systemic approach in this area.

The Council will become a forum for exchanging views and information in the context of the described problems and will thus have the opportunity to develop proposals for specific solutions, which will then be submitted to local government and government administration.

The idea behind the functioning of the Council is the readiness for dialogue and cooperation with local government and government institutions and the labor market in submitting and implementing solutions for activities in the field of vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning, including adult learning.

The extensive industry dialogue in which the Council may engage will strengthen cooperation mechanisms aimed at the further development of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.



fot. Michał Święcicki


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