
We have inaugurated the new academic year at the University of Rzeszów!

On October 1, 2024, at the Podkarpacka Philharmonic, the university authorities, employees and students officially began the next academic year. His Magnificence Prof. Adam Reich, MD, Rector of the University of Rzeszów, welcomed the gathered guests. In his speech, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów emphasized that this was a special inauguration for him.

" It is a great celebration for all of us, the whole community. For me personally, as the newly elected Rector of the University of Rzeszów, today's ceremony is at the same time the beginning of challenges and hard work, but at the same time hope and faith in the dynamic development of our University," said the Rector, Prof. Adam Reich.

This academic year, 16750 students will start their studies at the University of Rzeszów. This year, 19649 people took part in the recruitment process, which is over 1.5 thousand more than last year.

" I congratulate all students on being among the academic brothers, I wish you successful studies, persistent pursuit of goals and the ability to cope with failures, because as they say, failure is the older sister of success" - said the Rector of the University of Rzeszów to the students.


The Inauguration Ceremony introduced first-year students to the academic community. Representatives of individual colleges, first-year students, received congratulatory letters confirming their acceptance into the academic community of the University of Rzeszów. This part of the ceremony was led by Prof. Sabina Grabowska, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education. The academic community was also joined by doctoral students starting their education at the Doctoral School. The matriculation ceremony of doctoral students was led by dr hab. Marta Łuszczak, prof. UR, Director of the Doctoral School.

An integral part of the ceremonial opening of the academic year is the presentation of the Rector's Award, the Leader and the laurels of the University of Rzeszów, as well as state and departmental decorations.

Gold Cross of Merit

The President of the Republic of Poland awarded Prof. Jolanta Skorek-Münch the Gold Cross of Merit.

Silver Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis

The Minister of Culture and National Heritage awarded Professor Jolanta Skorek-Münch with the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis

Gold Medal for Long Service

The President of the Republic of Poland awarded Ms. Małgorzata Słowińska-Czurczak the Gold Medal for Long Service

The Podkarpackie Voivode Teresa Kubas-Hul presented the decorations, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów, Prof. Adam Reich, congratulated the awardees.

Didactic Laurel of the University of Rzeszów

This year, for the eighth time, the Didactic Laurel of the University of Rzeszów was awarded, honouring a person with the most important teaching achievements in the last four years. The Chapter appointed by the Rector awarded this honourable distinction to Dr Magdalena Trinder from the College of Humanities.

Laurel of the Rector of the University of Rzeszów for the best graduate

The Rector informed that as a result of the competition procedure, the best graduate of the University of Rzeszów in 2023 was selected. For the academic year 2023/2024, the statuette was awarded to a graduate of Finance and Accounting, Mr. Jan Sobuś.

Rector's Awards

The individual award for obtaining the title of professor was awarded to Prof. Maciej Wnuk from the Institute of Biotechnology of the University of Rzeszów.

An individual award for obtaining a doctoral degree was awarded to:

  • dr Mateusz Binek
  • dr Wojciech Paśko
  • dr inż. Paulina Książek-Trela

The individual award for special outstanding achievements achieved during their scientific career to date was awarded to:

  • prof. dr hab. Jolanta Skorek-Mϋnch
  • dr Rafał Wilk

The individual award for scientific/didactic achievements was given to:

  • dr hab. Jan Bazan, prof. UR
  • prof. dr hab. Rafał Filip
  • prof. dr hab. Izabela Sadowska-Bartosz
  • dr hab. Janusz Sokół, prof. UR
  • dr hab. inż. Monika Stompor-Gorący, prof. UR
  • prof. dr hab. Andriy Sybirnyy
  • prof. dr hab. Łukasz Łuczaj

The team award for scientific achievements was given to:

  • prof. dr hab. inż. Maciej Balawejder
  • dr hab. inż. Natalia Matłok, prof. UR

Grand Medal of the University of Rzeszów

During today's ceremony, the Universitati Resoviensi Merito Medal was awarded. This honourable distinction was awarded to Prof. Berthold Koletzko.


During the ceremony, the following spoke:

  • Teresa Kubas-Hul, Voivode of Podkarpackie
  • Władysław Ortyl, Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship
  • Konrad Fijołek, Mayor of the City of Rzeszów
  • Bishop Jan Wątroba, Bishop of Rzeszów
  • Bartosz Gabrychowicz, President of the Student Government of the University of Rzeszów, also took the floor.

"I declare the academic year 2024/2025 at the University of Rzeszów to be open", inaugurated the Rector, Prof. Adam Reich, striking the presiding table three times with the rector's sceptre held vertically.

Inaugural lecture

The Rector asked Prof. Arkadiusz Marciniak from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań to deliver an INAUGURAL LECTURE entitled "Archaeology – the great project of European modernism and its current condition"

Professor Arkadiusz Marciniak – employee and lecturer at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Academia Europea, member of the German Archaeological Institute, chairman of the Archaeology Section at the Committee on Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is a Fulbright scholar at the University of California and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. Lecturer at prestigious universities, including Stanford University in the USA, researcher of one of the most famous archaeological sites – Çatalhöyük in today's Turkey, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In his research, he perfectly combines field activity with deep methodological reflection, and work in the Middle East with studies on the early history of our country. He is close to the problems of cultural heritage protection, and archaeology is a community science for him, integrating scientists with the communities among which he conducts his research.

The ceremony was graced by the Choir of the Institute of Music of the University of Rzeszów conducted by Dr Katarzyna Sobas.

Photo by Michał Święcicki

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