
We solemnly inaugurated the academic year 2023-2024 at the University of Rzeszów

On October 2, 2023, at the University of Rzeszów, we inaugurated the academic year 2023/2024. The inauguration of the academic year is the most important celebration in academic culture. In the history of our university, this marks the 23rd occurrence. 

Prof. Dr Hab. Sylwester Czopek, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów, welcomed the gathered guests. In his speech, he emphasized that it was his last address during his tenure as the rector. The Rector addressed the invited guests, employees, doctoral students, and students, sharing personal observations. 

"Due to this particular occasion, I will allow myself a few general remarks. There will be no better opportunity, on the day of the greatest university celebration - the solemn inauguration of another year - to share personal observations with you. In this case, it is not about a report, for which there will be time, but rather about broader, universal observations. I express them with nearly 9 years of serving our university community, science, the city, and the region," said the Rector of the University of Rzeszów. 

Prof. Dr Hab. Sylwester Czopek - Rector of UR, drew attention to four important aspects that are key issues in the current university reality. The Rector of UR spoke about the lack of stability in the actions of Polish universities, the instability and unpredictability of the external environment, the lack of authorities, and financial problems. 

The Rector of the University of Rzeszów also addressed the students who were just beginning their university adventure: 

"Warmly welcome and I am very pleased with your presence in our Alma Mater. Congratulations on your recruitment success, and I wish that the years spent at the University of Rzeszów will be a period well-utilized for gaining knowledge and shaping your personality. We have a very extensive structure, providing opportunities for comprehensive development." 

Dr Hab. Elżbieta Rokosz, Prof. UR - Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, led the matriculation ceremony. The ceremony introduced first-year students to the academic community. Representatives of individual colleges, first-year students, took the oath and received congratulatory letters, thereby joining the community of the University of Rzeszów. 

This year, 6,208 newly admitted students joined the ranks of the University of Rzeszów. In total, 15,998 students are starting the academic year. Our university will educate students in 68 fields of study. 

The inauguration ceremony also welcomes doctoral students beginning their education in the Doctoral School, who received congratulatory letters during the ceremony. Professor Maciej Wnuk, Director of the Doctoral School, led this part of the ceremony. 

An integral part of the solemn inauguration of the academic year is the presentation of awards by the Rector, leaders, and laurels of the University of Rzeszów, as well as ministerial distinctions.  

The Medals of the National Education Commission were presented by Mrs. Małgorzata Rauch - Podkarpacki Educational Curator. 

The Medals of the National Education Commission were awarded to: 

  • prof. dr hab. inż. Zofia Sokołowicz  
  • dr hab. Agnieszka Jankowska, prof. UR  
  • dr hab. Renata Szyszlak, prof. UR  
  • dr Paweł Drygaś  
  • dr Bożena Dusza  
  • dr Dorota Grabek-Lejko  
  • dr Agnieszka Huzarska  
  • dr Joanna Kaszuba  
  • dr Wojciech Lichota 
  • dr Bożena Maj-Tatsis 
  • dr Grzegorz Polański 
  • dr inż Karolina Pycia 
  • dr Marta Pytlak 
  • dr inż Tomasz Warzocha 
  • dr Magdalena Wasylewicz 
  • mgr Agnieszka Augustyn 

The Minister of Culture and National Heritage awarded the "Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis" to Dr Hab. Mirosław Dymon, Prof. UR from the College of Humanities. 

For the eleventh time, the Scientific Laurel of the University of Rzeszów was awarded to honour an individual with the most significant scientific achievements in the last 4 years. The committee appointed by Prof. Dr Hab. Sylwester Czopek, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów, awarded this honourable distinction to Dr Hab. Marcin Wołoszyn, Prof. UR from the College of Humanities. 

For the seventh time this year, the Didactic Laurel of the University of Rzeszów was awarded to honour an individual with the most significant didactic achievements in the last 4 years. The committee appointed by Prof. Dr Hab. Sylwester Czopek, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów, awarded this honourable distinction to Dr Marta Dick-Bursztyn from the College of Humanities. 

The Rector's Laurel of the University of Rzeszów for the best graduate for the academic year 2022/2023 was awarded to the graduate of Polish philology - Mrs. Kinga Skowron. 

Individual awards from the Rector for obtaining the title of professor were given to: 

  • prof. dr hab. Edyta Barnaś 
  • prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Feret 
  • prof. dr hab. Viktoriya Serzhanova 
  • prof. dr hab. Łukasz Łuczaj 
  • prof. dr hab. Jacek Ścibor 

The individual award for obtaining the habilitation degree was given to:  

  • dr Dominika Błoniarz 
  • dr Anna Kowal-Pawul 

The individual award for a significant contribution to obtaining Category A status for units of the University of Rzeszów was received by: 

  • dr hab. Andrzej Bonusiak, prof. UR – in the discipline of history 
  • dr hab. Renata Świrgoń-Skok, prof. UR – in the discipline of legal sciences 

The team award for obtaining the right to confer the degree of doctor and habilitated doctor in the discipline of biotechnology was given to: 

  • dr hab. Małgorzata Kus-Liśkiewicz, prof. UR  
  • dr hab. Anna Lewińska, prof. UR  
  • dr hab. Robert Pązik, prof. UR  
  • dr inż. Magdalena Podbielska  
  • dr hab. Justyna Ruchała, prof. UR  
  • dr hab. inż. Ewa Szpyrka, prof. UR  
  • mgr Kamila Warchoł  
  • dr hab. Maciej Wnuk, prof. UR 

Dr Hab. Ireneusz Kapusta, Prof. UR, representing the College of Natural Sciences, was honoured with the title and statuette of the "Leader of the University of Rzeszów" for the year 2022. This recognition pertains to the field of exact, natural, technical, and agricultural sciences. 

During the ceremony, the title of Honorary Professor of the University of Rzeszów was solemnly conferred upon Prof. Dr Hab. Andrzej Kotecki. Prof. Dr Hab. Jadwiga Stanek-Tarkowska presented the profile of the Honorary Professor. 

On behalf of the students, Bartosz Gabrychowicz, the Chairman of the Student Government of the University of Rzeszów, addressed the audience. During his speech, he emphasized the importance of involvement in the academic life of the institution. 

"I wish all of us success in our studies, the fulfilment of dreams, and unforgettable experiences. Together, let's create a future we can be proud of," said the Chairman of the Student Government to the students. 

The gathered guests had the opportunity to listen to the inaugural lecture titled "On the Need for Distinguishing Self-Government Public Finances," delivered by Prof. Dr Hab. Elżbieta Feret, Vice-Rector for the College of Social Sciences at the University of Rzeszów. 

The inauguration ceremony of the academic year concluded with the rendition of the anthem "Gaude Mater Polonia" by the Academic Choir of the University of Rzeszów. 

The event's broadcast is available on the University of Rzeszów's YouTube channel. 

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