About the Centre

The Centre for Documentation of Contemporary Sacral Art was established by a resolution of the Senate of the University of Rzeszow on February 26, 2009. It was created for archiving, informational, didactic and research purposes, with the primary focus on the sacral art of the 19th and 20th century. The Centre was created to address the postulates of the participants of a nationwide symposium that took place in 2007, and was dedicated to the development of research on sacral art from the 19th and 20th century. The initiative of the scholars met with the approval of the Rector, Professor W. Bonusiak, who entrusted the organisational work to G.Ryba, PhD. The establishment of the Centre was finalised by Professor S. Uliasz. Patrons of the Centre include, but are not limited to, His Excellency Bishop K. Górny, Professor A. Bobko, Professor J. Kierski, Professor A.K. Olszewski, and I. Grzesiuk-Olszewska, PhD. Initially, the Centre was located at the Lubomirski Summer Palace in Rzeszow. The present address of the Centre: Plac Ofiar Getta 4-5/35.