The Damages to Cultural Heritage of the Przemysl Diocese during World War II


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The Damages to Cultural Heritage of the Przemysl Diocese during World War II


Principal investigator - prof. dr hab. Stanisław Nabywaniec

Duration of the project - 1.03.2022 - 31.12.2023

The project was co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage as part of the programme ‘Research on War Losses in Poland’

Logo MKiDNProject value - 101 250,00 PLN
Funding value - 76 250,00 PLN

Project description
The project ‘The Damages to Cultural Heritage of Przemysl Diocese during World War II’ was launched in March 2022 at the Department of Contemporary History and Church History (Institute of History, College of Humanities, University of Rzeszow). The main goal of the project is to create a catalogue of the cultural damages suffered by the Przemysl Diocese during World War II and to determine the history of the lost goods. An additional objective of the project is to draw the attention of the public and other researchers to the losses suffered during World War II by the Catholic Church in Poland, which had a tremendous significance for Polish history and culture. The project involves extensive queries in national and foreign archives. The results will be presented at an academic conference and in the form of a peer-reviewed scientific publication that will be available on Open Access terms.