IFMSA - Poland

IFMSA - Poland Branch in Rzeszów


The International Federation of Medical Students Association IFMSA-Poland is the largest organization of medical students
in Poland. Our mission is to build the capacity and increase the qualifications of medical students with simultaneous implementation of activities
for the benefit of the community in the fields of public health, medical education, humanitarianism, as well as raising these issues in public discussion and addressing them in international cooperation. We are part of the IFMSA federation - the largest student organization
in the world. As a result, it is possible to go with us on clinical internships or scientific exchanges to the most diverse corners of the world.


We operate under 6 Permanent Programs:

  • on Medical Education
  • on Health and Reproductive Rights, including HIV and AIDS
  • on Human Rights and Peace
  • on Public Health
  • for Clinical Practices
  • for Scientific Exchange.


Within the framework of the above Permanent Programs, we organize various events. Here are some of them:
● the “We Read to Help” campaign, which involves reading fairy tales to sick children in the hospital, playing games and playing with them,
● “Health under control” conducted in shopping malls during which we measure blood pressure, blood glucose levels, body fat levels, etc., encouraging and making the public aware of the importance of preventive, regular examinations,
● ultrasound, EKG or surgical suturing workshops for medical students interested in practical exercises,
● “Anatomy to start,” a lecture for students beginning their adventure of studying medicine, conducted to tame and help them take their first steps at the university.


The activities of our Branch have a positive impact on the image of medical students of the University of Rzeszow both among the residents of Rzeszow and other Polish medical universities.

Our Branch is managed by the Board of Directors, currently composed of:

Branch President - Aleksandra Skubisz ([email protected])

Vice President for Marketing - Oliwia Krawczyk ([email protected])

Vice President for Human Resources - Julia Trojniak ([email protected])

Secretary - Katarzyna Cielęcy ([email protected])


In addition, individual Permanent Programs have their own Coordinators, whom you can contact directly via email:

We encourage you to join our Branch!