Interdisciplinary Student Scientific Circle

The Interdisciplinary Student Scientific Circle was established on 23.11.2016 at the Natural and Medical Innovative Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rzeszow. The members of the Circle are students of the medical faculty of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as students studying in other fields of study at the University of Rzeszow. At present, the Circle has 27 members.

The scientific supervisor of ISKN is Prof. Jacek Tabarkiewicz, MD.

The Interdisciplinary Student Scientific Circle brings together students who wish to deepen their knowledge and interests in the field of disorders of human body functions on the background:

  • genetic
  • physiological
  • immunological
  • pathomorphological
  • other - selected - leading to the formation of pathological conditions


ISKN's main objectives

  • Advancing knowledge and interests in immunology, genetics and related sciences
  • Conducting research activities based on literature and analysis of obtained results
  • Conducting research activities based on laboratory work and analysis of obtained results
  • Preparing students to present collected results and clinical data at national and international scientific conventions
  • Preparing students to publish scientific papers in the medical literature
  • Working with practicing physicians:
    - Observation of the process of history, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches in selected cases;
    - Observation of operations, specialized diagnosis and surgical procedures.


Nature-Medical Center for Innovative Research
1A Warzywna St.
Building G4
35-310 Rzeszów


Documents to download

Zarząd ISKN

Regulamin ISKN

Statut ISKN