Student Circle of Pathophysiology “Nefron”

The Student Pathophysiology Circle “Nefron” was founded in October 2018 at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology of the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszow. The members of the circle are medical students of the University of Rzeszow. Currently, the circle has 23 members.

The circle's supervisor is  dr n. med. Agnieszka Gala-Błądzińska - Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the St. Jadwiga Queen Clinical Regional Hospital No. 2 in Rzeszow.

The activities of the Circle are based on knowledge and interest in human physiology and pathophysiology, conducting research activities, laboratory research activities and analysis of the obtained results, and preparing students to present the collected results and clinical data at scientific congresses at home and abroad, and to publish scientific papers in the medical literature.

The activities of the Circle are based on knowledge and interest in human physiology and pathophysiology, conducting research activities, laboratory research activities and analysis of the results obtained, and preparing students to present the collected results and clinical data at national and international scientific congresses, and to publish scientific papers in the medical literature.

The main objectives of SKNP “Nefron”, include:

  • Expanding knowledge in selected fields of medicine;
  • Studying specialized literature;
  • Scientific and laboratory research in cooperation with selected researchers of the Department of Physiology and Human Pathophysiology of the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszow, other Departments of the University of Rzeszow and other Medical Universities in the country and abroad;
  • Discussion meetings, seminars, papers, own development of scientific articles;
  • Cooperation with other organizations and Scientific Circles;
  • Speeches at national and international scientific conferences;
  • Development of scientific interests and professional qualifications of Circle members;
  • Active participation in the daily life of the University and stimulation of activity among students;
  • Promoting the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszow at home and abroad


Headquarters of the circle
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
Kopisto 2a
35-359 Rzeszów


Facebook page