Student Circle of Psychiatry

Student Circle of Psychiatry - UR Rzeszow

Student Circle of Psychiatry of the University of Rzeszow - was established at the Natural and Medical Center for Innovative Research College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszow.

The Scientific Supervisor of the Circle is dr n. med. Agnieszka Rynkiewicz, and its members are medical students of the University of Rzeszow.

The work of the Circle is focused on conducting research activities in cooperation with the staff of the Natural and Medical Research Center, other Medical Universities in Poland, as well as abroad.

Within the framework of organized discussion meetings and seminars, members of the Circle have the opportunity to deepen the issues of interest to them in the field of adult psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry, improve their professional qualifications, prepare for participation in specialized conferences and develop scientific articles.


The purpose of the Circle's activities is:

  • To deepen knowledge and interest in the field of disorders of human body functions on the background of mental diseases leading to pathological conditions
  • Deepening knowledge and interests in various fields of medicine
  • Conducting research activities, clinical research activities and analysis of the results obtained
  • Preparing students to present the collected results and clinical data at scientific congresses at home and abroad
  • Preparing students to publish scientific papers in the medical literature.



Natural and Medical Center for Innovative Research
1A Warzywna Street
Building G4
35-310 Rzeszów