Student “Histological” Scientific Circle

Student “Histological” Scientific Circle at the Laboratory of Histology and Embryology


Head of the organizational unit:

Dr hab. n. wet. Agata Wawrzyniak, prof. UR

Circle Supervisor:

Dr hab. n. wet. Agata Wawrzyniak, prof. UR


Chairman of the Circle:

Klosowicz Maksymilian - medical second year



Histology and embryology, as a scientific field, seems to be a well-studied area of knowledge, but despite appearances there are still many aspects that require further research. The knowledge of histology, the compilation of techniques and the skillful use of multiple research models allow full analysis in ongoing scientific projects. Student “Histological” Scientific Circle, began its activities in October 2019. and currently has 7 members, from among the Students of the second year of the Medical Faculty, College of Medical Sciences UR in Rzeszow. Since the establishment of the Scientific Circle, Students have been actively involved in the scientific activities of the Histology and Embryology Laboratory. During the meetings of the Scientific Circle, Students became familiar with the work in the laboratory and were trained in routine techniques used in histology. During the scientific meetings of the Rzeszow Branch of the Polish Society of Histochemists and Cytochemists (PTHiC), Students presented papers on the effect of alcohol on neuroglial during adolescence. In addition, they are in the process of completing the experimental part for a paper on the effects of alcohol on the CNS, and are preparing materials for a publication on the effects of adropine on CNS function.


The main thrust of the research of the Histology and Embryology Laboratory, and thus of the Student Research Group, is the evaluation of the degree of demyelination in patients suffering from alcoholic disease and those addicted to psychoactive drugs. Using available histological techniques, brain preparations of alcoholics are being prepared in order to trace changes in neuroglial structure and analyze the degree of demyelination of neurons, depending on the severity of alcoholic disease. The summary of the results of the analyses including the results of the conducted research projects, will be the participation in the 57th Symposium of PTHiC, which will be held in Bydgoszcz on September 7-9, 2020.


List of members:

Bednarz Karol

Bukała Martyna

Gardzińska Marta;

Inglot Julia

Inglot Jadwiga

Kłosowicz Maksymilian

Wróbel Konrad