Student Immunology Circle

The Student Immunology Circle was established in April 2018 at the Natural-Medical Innovative Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rzeszow. Its members are medical students, and at the moment the Circle has about 15 members.

The Scientific Supervisor of the SKI is Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek Tabarkiewicz  - Head of the Department of Human Immunology, Director of the Natural and Medical Center for Innovative Research.

The Student Immunology Circle brings together students who wish to expand their knowledge and are interested in the functioning and disorders of the human immune system.

The main goals of SIC activities are:

  • Advancing knowledge and interest in the field of immunology
  • Research activity on the basis of laboratory work and analysis of the obtained results
  • Research activities based on professional literature and analysis of obtained results
  • Presentation of obtained data at national and international conferences
  • Preparation of students to publish scientific papers in scientific periodicals on medical topics
  • Integration of the community of medical students interested in immunology



Nature-Medical Center for Innovative Research
1A Warzywna St.
Building G4
35-310 Rzeszów