UR Cell Biochemistry Student Scientific Circle - About us

Dear All,

In December 2017, in the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszow, the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle began its adventure in science, opening its activities with the keynote contained in the name URCell and dedication to science education in the field of medicine. Shortly after its establishment because already in 2018 and then in 2019, the URCell Biochemists' Science Circle received Diplomas of Recognition for promoting science to the youngest and members of the Little University of Rzeszow at the Science Picnic and Science Rally. The diplomas were in recognition of the exceptional approach of young medical students to the youngest and the presentation of scientific discoveries with scientific accuracy and originality of researchers to the very young, the young and the old alike at the numerous Science Festivals in the Subcarpathian region.

Members of the URCell Biochemistry Scientific Circle are those who make outstanding contributions to the promotion of biochemistry and related sciences at the University of Rzeszow through activities that stimulate social activity, popularization, and demonstrated interest in science or the development of scientific skills in fellow senior and junior medical students, as well as among foreign medical students in English.

Members of the URCell Biochemistry Study Circle are constantly looking for creative ways to engage students and spark curiosity about science. Over a short three-year period of activity, the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle has produced three book editions which are:

  • Famous Biochemists, in print, University of Rzeszow Publishing House, Poland
    • 34 Chapters in Polish and the same in English
  • History of Biochemistry, in print, published by the University of Rzeszow, Poland
    • 6 Chapters in Polish and identical in English
  • Medicinal Plants, Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA, 45 chapters in English, in print

Publication projects have been successful at home and abroad, and we have once again been invited to write a team book in English.

Young scientists and researchers affiliated with the Scientific Circle have repeatedly prepared demonstrations, experiments and displays of exhibits to bring people of all ages - from young children to retirees - from all over the southeastern region of the country closer to the world of science.

Everyone from the Subcarpathian region is invited to participate in scientific demonstrations, but the headquarters of the Circle is the capital of the Subcarpathian region - the city of Rzeszow. The number of members of the URCell Biochemistry Scientific Circle grows every year as its reputation grows, from 33 to more than 50 members in 2020. Each day of activity is full of unusual and successful events that have brought us many interesting experiences.

The URCell Biochemistry Research Circle offers science education and outreach activities to a wide audience. Each year, the Circle, using an innovative format of demonstrations such as a small conference or workshop, which was first developed in 2017, presents about 15 presentations on a selected topic in the Podkarpackie region. Thanks to an ingenious combination of scientific equipment and an audio-visual system, URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle presentations allow the audience to observe surprising scientific phenomena that go far beyond just explaining them. Members of the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle focus on current and historical scientific controversies, botanicals and achievements to get attendees thinking about the nature of science and technology, and are not without cultural and social aspects. The shows and conferences also highlight the major contributions that biochemists have made to scientific progress. In addition to these events, the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle undertakes many other initiatives and uses many other resources to stimulate public interest in science, such as science cabarets, radio broadcasts and numerous projects in cooperation with museums, television programs and live events.

The work of members of the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle is not only demonstrations, but close cooperation with other educational institutions throughout the Podkarpackie region. Members of the Circle provide teaching tools and training classes in various scientific subjects for teachers at primary, secondary and higher levels. In addition, every year the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle sends a team of medical science students as science ambassadors to conduct science workshops, demonstrations and training sessions at schools in the area of the city of Rzeszow, Krosno and even at the Jasionka airport. The URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle also coordinates the science competition Science, on tour! for school children.

The URCell Biochemistry Research Circle strives for broad access to different age groups. For example, a project implemented by the URCell Biochemists' Scientific Circle uses video conferencing to conduct conferences, demonstrations and talks in schools, remote areas beyond borders. The Science Circle also provides free demonstrations for schools. The members of the Circle give other younger-to-younger elementary and high school students confidence in the vast possibilities and encourage them to aim higher. They are convinced that all the young people who come to Science Picnic meetings deserve the chance to develop their scientific skills and become leaders in their communities.

The URCell Biochemistry Research Circle believes that in promoting science to young people is the key to success and partnership. Events in which members of the Circle participate give young people a great opportunity to showcase their scientific talent to the rest of the world.

The URCell Biochemistry Study Circle strives to be an inspiration for thousands of students at the University of Rzeszow to explore the fascinating world of science. And with educational programs for children, the Science Circle shows that science can be fun, while allowing them to conduct research with real scientists even at a younger age. By sharing the excitement of scientific discovery, members of the Circle encourage young people to consider a career in science. By using science as an informational tool to inspire appreciation for various activities, they motivate young people to pursue a future in an exciting field and encourage society to make choices that respect and protect health.

One of the main attractions is the open lecture series, now in its third year, in which presentations attract many people. The Circle actively participates in festivals, open days and meetings in the Subcarpathian region and throughout Poland.

In addition, members of the Science Circle travel, providing classroom presentations for high school students and special workshops for science teachers outside the Podkarpackie region. Shows include presentations and mentoring sessions. Teachers also benefit from lessons showing how to make science in the classroom lively and interesting. All participants leave the workshops with materials that will help them confidently explain the mysteries of science.

The science club has also participated in the organization of exhibitions, i.e:

-Inauguration of the autumn-winter edition of the interactive exhibition: Exploratorium on October 12-15, 2019

The autumn-winter edition of the interactive exhibition is organized periodically by the University of Rzeszow and the Association for the Dissemination of Knowledge Explores. The program includes interactive exhibits of exhibits, you can try out the operation of exhibits bringing knowledge of biochemistry and nature.

-The spring edition of the interactive exhibition: Exploratorium from June 8-12, 2019

More than 500 elementary and high school students participated in the shows.

EKSPLORACJE science picnic

On May 24 - 26, 2019, the EXPLORATIONS Science Picnic was held in cooperation with the Explores Association and the EKOSKOP Association. The event was aimed at children, young people and adults, where everyone can explore, experience, acquire new skills and learn through fun.



Supervisors of the URCell Biochemistry Research Circle

Dr hab. n. med. inż. Dorota Bartusik-Aebisher, prof. UR

Dr n. biol. Sabina Galiniak


Koło Naukowe Biochemików URCell- O NAS.pdf