Development strategy

Education in the two fields of study at the Institute of Physical Culture Sciences demonstrates a relationship with the strategy and mission of the university, realizing the goals of education through the joint efforts of all employees.In addition, education is carried out in accordance with the following principles: pursuit of truth, openness to knowledge and new ideas, and respect for human dignity and respect for the historical and cultural identity of regions and countries. Thus, it shapes the personality and civic attitudes of students, preparing them for responsible performance of social and public functions. As part of the Institute's education, a high level of scientific research is guaranteed, and optimal study conditions are created. The development strategy of the Institute of Physical Culture Sciences is in line with the development strategy of the UR as a Podkarpackie, national and European university, pursuing educational and research goals to increase the competitiveness of the University and create its image as modern and friendly to employees, students and the environment.

Strategic goal: High level of education in accordance with the general-academic profile, adapted to the needs and expectations of the labor market

Operational objectives:

1. Upgrading the category held by the Institute
•  To increase the scientific activity of employees in terms of publishing in journals included in the lists of scoring of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
•  Introducing an incentive system for scientifically outstanding employees conducting scientific research
•  Introducing a motivational system and administrative support for employees applying for doctoral degrees, post-doctoral degrees, professorial scientific titles, and for employees participating in scientific and professional bodies(e.g., scientific societies, organizations and institutions, editorial committees, expert teams, etc.);
• Supporting the development of young academics;
•  Organization of scientific conferences that meet the requirements relevant to the categorization of units;

2. quantitative and qualitative increase in ongoing scientific research at the national and international level
•  To identify the demand for research services;
•  Preparation of organizational solutions to support research work;
•  To increase the effectiveness of staff in applying for external grants;
•  mobilization and support of scientific staff in building relations with foreign centers;
•  Introducing a system for evaluating scientific activity, taking into account publications, citations, patents, implementations, national and international awards, etc;
•  Increasing the mobility of scientific staff, in terms of international contacts, research projects, conferences.

3. Development of cooperation between Colleges and Institutes for the implementation of joint scientific and research work
•  To increase cooperation between Colleges and Institutes;
•  To introduce between Colleges and Institutes the exchange of information and experience;
•  Formalize cooperation between Colleges and Institutes (cooperation agreement, letter of intent, etc.);

4. Deepen cooperation with the external environment for the implementation of scientific and research work
• Mobilize and support scientific staff in building relationships with universities, schools,
• Enterprises and economic, cultural and social institutions;
• Integrating with local government, economic, social and cultural institutions;
• Designing and implementing research oriented toward practical results (commercialization of research results).

Strategic goal: To raise the level of ongoing scientific research to the extent that the Institute can obtain a higher scientific category and be authorized to confer a doctoral degree in the field of physical culture sciences.

Operational objectives:

1. Increase the category held by the Institute
• To increase the scientific activity of employees in terms of publishing in journals included in the lists of scoring journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
• Introducing an incentive system for scientifically outstanding employees carrying out scientific research
• Introducing a motivational system and administrative support for employees applying for doctoral degrees, post-doctoral degrees, professorial scientific titles, and for employees participating in scientific and professional bodies(e.g., scientific societies, organizations and institutions, editorial committees, expert teams, etc.);
• Supporting the development of young academics;
• Organization of scientific conferences that meet the requirements relevant to the categorization of units;

2. Quantitative and qualitative increase in ongoing scientific research at the national and international levels
• Recognizing the demand for research services;
• Preparation of organizational solutions to support research work;
• To increase the effectiveness of staff in applying for external grants;
• Mobilization and support of scientific staff in building relations with foreign centers;
• Introducing a system for evaluating scientific activity, taking into account publications, citations, patents, implementations, national and international awards, etc;
• Increasing the mobility of scientific staff, in terms of international contacts, research projects, conferences.

3. Development of cooperation between Colleges and Institutes for the implementation of joint scientific and research work
• Increase cooperation between Colleges and Institutes;
• To introduce between Colleges and Institutes the exchange of information and experience;
• Formalize cooperation between Colleges and Institutes (cooperation agreement, letter of intent, etc.);

4. deepen cooperation with the external environment for the implementation of scientific and research work
• Mobilization and support of scientific staff in building relationships with universities, schools,
• enterprises and economic, cultural and social institutions;
• Integrating with local government, economic, social and cultural institutions;
• Designing and implementing research oriented toward practical results (commercialization of research results).

Strategic goal: Professional and effective relations with the external environment

Operational objectives:

1. intensify cooperation with external stakeholders
• Improve the system of communication with strategic external stakeholders;
• Prepare and implement a system of cooperation with graduates;
• Implementation of monitoring of the professional fate of graduates;
• Activation of all units towards the creation of science-business partnerships for the commercialization of research results (consortia, strategic alliance, clusters, spin-off and spin-out companies, etc.);
• Inclusion of units in the process of developing strategies for development - sectoral, regional, national.

2. image creation and strengthening of the University's position
• Implementation and improvement of a coherent system of visual identification
• Organizing information on material and intellectual resources;
• Preparation of professional promotional materials and actions;
• Setting the framework for professional cooperation with the media;
• Preparation and implementation of a system of cooperation with alumni;
• Promotion of scientific and technological progress and innovation as factors determining the competitiveness of the region.

Strategic goal: An efficiently functioning Institute using modern management methods

Operational objectives:

1. Rationalize the management of physical infrastructure
• Conducting an analysis of the economic efficiency of investment activities undertaken;
• Launching new infrastructure investments
•  Constant monitoring of the degree of utilization of existing material resources;
•  Optimization of costs associated with the maintenance of the material base and teaching staff;
•  Adaptation of existing infrastructure to the needs of the Institute and rational management of real estate;

2. Improvement of the financial management system
•  Conducting economic and financial analysis of activities;
•  Conducting financial risk analysis;
•  Optimization of costs related to the Institute's activities;
•  Acquiring new sources of financing for activities (postgraduate studies, instructor and trainer courses);
•  Generating a positive financial result and ensuring financial stability.

3. Improve the human resources management process
•  Support career paths for all employee groups;
•  Supporting the development of young staff;
•  Creating conditions for rapid scientific advancement of employees;
•  Improving the qualifications of employees.

The Institute's experience and traditions, combined with innovative ventures, will in the future give the image of a strong entity that, due to its bi-directional nature combined with the economic sector, will be a serious competitor to other Institutes or Faculties of the same nature.