New Perspectives in Medical Simulation: Exchange of Experiences Among V4 Nursing Students during Simulation Week

Visegrad Fund The project is co-financed by the Governments of the Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


Financing organization:
International Visegrad Fund



V4 GEN Mini-Grant, grant no.: 12430086

Program objective:

V4 Gen Mini-Grant supports short-term mobility of young people aged 12-30 in the V4 region and its direct neighbourhood (cross-border visits). The aim of the initiative is to promote democratic values, civic participation and cross-border dialogue among young people.


Project title:

New Perspectives in Medical Simulation: Exchange of Experiences Among V4 Nursing Students during Simulation Week


Project description:

The project includes the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of training of the nursing staff. Within its framework, two events will be organized at the Medical Simulation Center of the University of Rzeszów (CSM UR), ): Medical Simulation Week and Open meeting with external stakeholders and academic community. Participants will include nursing students from partner universities in Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland and their chaperones. International teams will participate in simulation workshops and meetings with medical simulation experts, during which they will also share knowledge and experience.


Project objective:

Development of future medical personnel potential through the participation of nursing students from selected V4 countries in advanced training using innovative medical simulation methods and tools.


Project implementation period:



Funding amount:

9600 EUR


Project leader:

Faculty of Health Sciences and Psychology and Medical Simulation Center, Collegium Medicum, University of Rzeszów


  1. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
  2. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
  3. University of Debrecen


Project manager:

Assoc. Prof. Phd Paweł Więch – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Psychology

+48 667192696


Project team:

Assoc. Prof. Phd Dariusz Bazaliński, PhD Izabela Sałacińska, PhD Aneta Lesiak, PhD Zdzisława Chmiel, PhD Magdalena Brodowicz-Król, PhD Magdalena Rękas, M Sc. Eng. Aneta Radaczyńska, MA Marzena Domino, MA Joanna Chowaniec, MA Małgorzata Juda.