Department of Nature Protection and Landscape Ecology


ul. A. Zelwerowicza 4 35-601 Rzeszów, tel. +48 (17) 785 50 21; email:



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Andrzej Bobiec_350pix.jpg [147.20 KB]Kierownik Zakładu
Head of Department
dr hab. Andrzej Bobiec, prof. UR

tel. 17 785 50 25
pok. 025, budynek D9
ul. A. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

The research includes: the structure and dynamics of forest communities in the Białowieża Forest; oak ecology and its adaptations to agricultural landscapes; historical ecology and change of rural landscapes.

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dr Agata Ćwik
tel. 17 785 50 06
pok. 006, budynek D9
ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Research interests: environmental basis for spatial development, spatial chaos, shaping of urban natural systems.

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dr inż. Iwona Makuch-Pietraś

tel. 17 785 50 07
e-mail: [email protected]
pok. 007, budynek D9
ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Research topics:
- monitoring of radioactivity in the soil environment,
- estimation of changes in soil properties in terms of strong tourist pressure,
- the condition of the soil cover and its impact on the conditions in habitats and valuable natural areas.

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dr inż. Jerzy Michalczuk

tel. 17 785 50 07
pok. 004, budynek D9
ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Specialities: ornithology, nature conservation. The studies include the development of recommendations to protect habitats important for avifauna in agricultural and urban landscapes. The studies focus primarily on identifying the ecological requirements of endangered species that inhabit the agricultural-forest mosaic landscape.

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dr Bernadetta Ortyl
tel. 17 785 50 20
pok. 020, budynek D9
ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Research topics: The use of GIS tools and remote sensing in agriculture, ecology, and environmental protection. Analysis of transformations in agricultural landscapes in relation to the changing political systems. The impacts of land use changes on the functioning of the environment.

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dr Tomasz Wójcik
tel. 17 785 50 26
pok. 026, budynek D9
ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Specialty: phytogeography, phytosociology, plant ecology

Research topics:
- patterns of morphological and genetic variability of the island populations of Gentiana cruciata in south-eastern Poland
- the influence of habitat conditions on the population structure and selected individual traits of mountain species (Allium ursinum, Arum alpinum, Lunaria rediviva, Salvia glutinosa)
- population ecology of rare and protected plant species
- flora and vegetation of the Western Carpathian Foothills
- human impact in protected areas
- synanthropization of plant cover

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mgr inż. Monika Michalczuk
tel. 17 785 50 21
pok. 021, budynek D9ul. Zelwerowicza 4,
35-601 Rzeszów

Administrative work at the Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology. Technical support for the Department's research projects; inventory of birds and mammals in agricultural landscapes.


Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology

Our department (ZOPiEK) has evolved from the former Dept. of Agrobiology and Environmental Protection, continuing studies of geomorphology, soils, bird ecology, and conservation. We extended the scope of our research to landscape ecology and eco-history with a particular consideration of rural bio-cultural systems. Besides the above-mentioned, we are active in the fields of floristics and phytosociology, spatial planning, forest ecology and dendroecology, including long-term research of the Białowieża Forest’s plant communities.

Our department is involved both in home and international, interdisciplinary research projects, cooperating with colleagues from Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Oxford University, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Granada, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, National University of Forestry in Lviv, Jagiellonian University (Kraków), University of Life Sciences in Lublin, W. Szafer Instytute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences.

We invite students – both from our university and from broader academia – to join our research endeavours. We believe this can be a unique opportunity to enrich knowledge, extend the area of scientific interest, and – last but not least – take a true hands-on experience in field and lab research, as the first steps in a scientific career.

We contribute to various initiatives for the protection of landscapes and nature conservation, cooperating with local and regional public and business partners, including the regional conservation authorities, greening department of the city council, regional society “Dolina Strugu”. In 2019 the City Council and University of Rzeszów signed an agreement, according to which our department has been entrusted with scientific stewardship over the city’s nature reserve “Lisia Góra”. The first result of this mission was the scientific report on the reserve’s oak old-growth.