Electronic ID Card

Fee for Electronic ID Card

Persons admitted to studies pay a fee for an Electronic ID card in the amount of PLN 22 to the sub-account number, which they should download from the website of the https://wu.ur.edu.pl/, putting in the title of the transfer: application for the issuance of ELS_surname_first name

Attention: fees for an Electronic ID Card are not made by:

  • graduates of Bachelor’s studies (I stopnia) at the University of Rzeszów who already have Electronic ID Card;
  • students of other fields of study at the University of Rzeszów who have Electronic ID Card;
  • students who resigned from studies or were removed from the list of students at the University of Rzeszów and have Electronic ID Card.

Students who have lost their Electronic ID Card have to pay a fee of PLN 33 to their individual subaccount number, payment title: fee for a duplicate Electronic ID Card.

You can receive your Electronic ID Card at the Dean’s Office of your main field of study.

Erasmus Students

With the document which you received from the Department of Education you should go to the Poczta Polska (Post Office) – St. Krzyżanowskiego 6 – in order to pay 22 PLN for Electronic ID Card. Open hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 – 20:00.

With the proof of payment, you should go to the Dean’s Office of your main field of study, where you will receive Electronic ID Card.

Electronic ID Card (ELS) gives the students access to the following services:

  • access to the reading-room and library of the University of Rzeszów
  • access to Virtual University - wu.ur.edu.pl
  • access to Office365 (e.g.,MS Teams, OneDrive, Office) - www.office.com
  • access to University wireless network Wi-Fi- configuration instructions on website
  • access to the system which gives you the possibility to print, make copies and scan the documents
  • reduced price of bus and train tickets – IMPORTANT: THE REDUCED PRICE APPLIES ONLY TO THE AGE OF 26

If you want to use the above-mentioned services, you have to AUTHORISE/ ACTIVATE your Electronic ID Card via website:

  1. visit konto.ur.edu.pl and click "Send password to email"
  2. login consists of:
    1. first letter of the first name
    2. first letter of surname
    3. number of the Electronic ID card of the University of Rzeszów
    4. @stud.ur.edu.pl
  3. in the "E-mail address" field, enter the e-mail address you used in the recruitment process
  4. after checking "I'm not a robot" click "Send"

You will get a link to the provided e-mail address, after which you can set your own password.

Once the password is changed correctly, the account will be active.

Please note that the album number is a six-digit number read from the Electronic ID Card

Example: John Smith enters 012345 album number in the "Login" field jk012345@stud.ur.edu.pl