lek. Joanna Zielińska

  ORCID: 0000-0002-5276-3718

The topic of my dissertation is: ”Perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by FGR”

Intrauterine growth restriction, also called intrauterine hypotrophy as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a complication of pregnancy that results in the birth of a fetus below the 10th percentile of the growth charts for the appropriate gestational age. Currently, there are two types of fetal growth restriction. The first is FGR with early onset before 32 weeks gestation. We also distinguish the second type — late FGR, which we talk about when growth is restricted after the 32nd week of pregnancy. Early FGR is an indication for transferring the patient to a center with a higher level of referral and is primarily a challenge in terms of planning appropriate management.

The aim of the study is to assess perinatal outcomes in patients with pregnancies complicated by early-onset fetal growth restriction, monitored according to the current criteria of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG 2020).

Forty patients with pregnancy complicated by FGR <32 wekks of pregnancy will be included to the study. The patients with diagnosed fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal defects and fetal infections will be excluded for the study. The patients included to the study will be monitored according to the recommendations of ISUG: fetal biometry in 10-14 day intervals, Dopler PI in Umbilical Artery, Doppler PI in Uterine Artery, STVs in a Cardiotocography recording, the monitoring of the patients towards Pre-eclampsia or Eclampsia.

The perinatal outcomes which will be estimated: indications to the FGR pregnancy completion, the time of pregnancy, the way of deliver, fetal weight APGAR score after birth, the duration time of neonatal stay at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.


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  • Does the etiology of bronchial astma (atopic, non-atopic, mixed) affect the number of exacerbations and length of hospitalization of patients with bronchial astma?: retrospective study. Zielińska Joanna*, Leśny Mateusz*, Ukleja-Sokołowska, [i in.], . W: iMEDIC 2018 Bydgoszcz: 3rd International MEDical Iterisciplinary Congress. Medicl, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. 9th June 2018, Bydgoszcz, Poland. UMK CM, 2018. Abstract Book. S. 22