mgr Przemysław Pawelec

ORCID: 0000-0003-1658-6133

The topic of my dissertation is: ”Formality and spontaneity in the reception of Polish practitioners of this martial art”

The research scope encompasses the relationships with tradition regarding the knowledge transmission in the continuum from a traditionalist approach (inheritors of martial arts masters) to a partial or complete rejection of transmission. In this context, traditional transmission plays a lesser role compared to approaches that limit the influence of traditionalism. This opens up the possibility of a modern approach to teaching (including martial arts training based on sports training).

The analyzed issues will be situated within the field of social sciences related to physical culture. Among other things, the following will be examined: determinants of physical activity among selected Polish karate practitioners; and the potential relationship between practicing kata in the teaching process (e.g., in terms of time), individual specialization, requirements for higher grades, exercises performed outside the dojo, and the attitudes of these individuals regarding formality and spontaneity.

The topic of the future doctoral thesis will relate to the reception of Polish karate practitioners concerning formality and spontaneity. In order to avoid the problem of an overly broad thematic scope, the research scope has been limited to these two mentioned aspects.

Publication (selected):

  • Pawelec P., Świder P., Yu J.-H. (2022). Topics concerning women practicing fighting systems in the discourse of selected scientific journals – A short bibliometric analysis. Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 22(1), 58-67.
  • Pawelec P., Cynarski W.J. (2021). Obrazy cielesności kobiet trenujących sztuki i sporty walki w dyskursie medialnym. Zarys problematyki. Media - Kultura - Komunikacja Społeczna, 2(16), 77–88.
  • Pawelec P. (2020). Martial Arts and Combat Sports. Towards the General Theory of Fighting Arts: book review, Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 20(1), 54-57.