mgr Weronika Sura

  ORCID: 0009-0005-0309-115X

The topic of my dissertationis: A presentation of Dominik Lasota's "Accordion Concerto" for accordion and string orchestra in the context of contemporary Polish accordion concerts.

While performing as a soloist, I notice certain gaps in the original music literature, especially in the area of accordion concerts. I would like to delve deeper into this topic and analyze why artists reach for certain compositions more often than others. Why do some accordion concertos sound in the right proportions in relation to the soloist and the orchestra, and others do not? This creates wonderful research spaces, which I also see for myself in this case. The research goal of my doctoral thesis will be to present the contemporary composition of the "Accordion Concerto" for accordion and string orchestra by Dominik Lasota, Ph.D. of musical arts. The analysis will be based on the elements of the structure of the musical work, as well as the non-musical inspirations of the examined piece. The analysis of Dominik Lasota's "Accordion Concerto" will also include examining the work in the context of other contemporary concertos for accordion with orchestra, identifying common and different elements, and innovations in the field of compositional art. The research task will also be to present the composer's biography and popularize his works. Based on the results of the analysis of the composition, in cooperation with the composer, conductor and string orchestra, I will create an interpretation of the work. The concert will be recorded and released on CD.

My doctoral thesis will contribute to the creation of a new position in accordion literature. Moreover, I will have the opportunity to premiere this piece with orchestra and I will make the world's first phonographic recording of this concert.