Prowadzone zajęcia / Classes conducted

Prof. dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci, PhD. prowadzi konsultacje naukowe dla doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej UR w terminie 04.03.2024 - 02.04.2024 po wcześniejszym umówieniu spotkania za pośrednictwem adresu mailowego:


Artificial Intelligence and its Legal Aspects

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a complex subject with both technical and social aspects. The technical side deals with creating and developing AI, while the social aspect concerns its impact on people’s lives. Although AI has benefits, it also poses potential risks and threats that should not be ignored. As AI continues to learn and imitate human nature and actions, there are questions about its legal responsibility. These include “who is responsible for AI - the developer, the user, or itself,” and “whether AI can have a legal personality.” While the answers to these questions are not yet clear, it is generally agreed that those who develop or use AI will be held responsible for any legal violations. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI’s underlying infrastructure and working principles with its legal aspects. Students will learn about the main concepts that power AI, from algorithms to automated reasoning, and how they interact with the legal framework. Students can approach this evolving field with knowledge by understanding how AI works and its impact on the legal system.



The tax identity of artificial intelligence

Taxes are the primary source of revenue for modern states to provide essential public services. Taxation involves a hierarchical debt-credit relationship between the state and taxpayers. It is crucial for this relationship's smooth and systematic functioning that the state can promptly access the revenue sources it needs to provide public services without interruption. Therefore, it is essential to adapt developing technologies to tax law, tax systems, tax disputes, and tax judgment. Artificial intelligence (AI) has tremendous potential in establishing and maintaining effective taxation relationships and processes. In the international literature, technology adaptation to taxation is referred to as LegalTech. However, the position of AI as a tax subject in terms of tax liability, taxation potential, income generation, wealth acquisition, and expenditure realization is an important question that needs to be answered. The central question is how AI will be positioned in the taxation relationship. This course delves into the complex framework of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the potential benefits and risks it poses for tax-related matters. By exploring the fundamental concepts of AI, examining essential elements of taxation, and scrutinizing taxation principles, this course aims to understand the interplay between AI and taxation thoroughly.



Workshops with an expert

This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of international research methods and techniques in law. The course will give students an overview of scientific concepts and how they should be explained in doctoral studies. Additionally, students will learn how past practices can be used to make sense of the present and anticipate the future. More importantly, students will be equipped with the skills to develop and defend proposals from an international perspective. The course will address various aspects of research methods and techniques, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation, focusing on the legal field. Students will engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication throughout the course. By the end of the course, students will have gained advanced knowledge and skills in international research methods and techniques, which will be beneficial in their future academic and professional pursuits.