
SRPC-ID: SRPC12-3-2022  | Published online: 5-10-2022   |  ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Hiking in the Bieszczady National Park in the opinion of tourists

Karaś Karolina1ABCDEFG

Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design; B - Data collection; C - Statistical analysis; D - Data interpretation; E - Manuscript Preparation; F - Literature search; G -Funds Collection

Authors' affiliation:
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences. Student Research Club of Travelers.

Pages: 22-30

Cite this article: Karaś K. (2022) Hiking in the Bieszczady National Park in the opinion of tourists. Scientific Review of Physical Culture 12, p.22-30.


One of the most popular forms of qualified tourism is hiking, which can be divided into mountain and lowland hiking. This type of activity can be practiced by any person, regardless of age, gender, origin or level of wealth. Hiking allows tourists to reach even the farthest corners of the world. Thanks to the proper organization of tourist traffic and infrastructure in protected areas, tourists have the opportunity to practice various forms of tourism in all national parks in Poland.

The aim of the research was to get to know the opinions of tourists on hiking and tourist development of the Bieszczady National Park.

The work used the diagnostic survey method, while the research tool was an original questionnaire in the form of a web form. The survey contained a total of 21 questions. They concerned the study group, the frequency of visiting the park, the motives of tourists, the most frequently chosen places and the assessment of tourist development.

The study was conducted in October 2021, and involved 555 people from all over Polish. Most people visit the park in summer and autumn, on average once a year or less often. The motivation factor is beautiful landscapes, the opportunity to see unusual species of plants and animals and cultural values. The most popular places according to respondents are: Połonina Wetlińska, Tarnica, as well as Połonina Caryńska. The respondents assess the tourist development of the park well and show satisfaction with the organization of tourism in the BdPN.

Keywords: tourism, hiking, Bieszczady National Park