Volume 14 (2024)
SRPC-ID: SRPC14-1-2024 | Published online: 01-09-2024 | ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Comparative analysis of body structure and physical fitness among athletes and physical education students
Dąbek Emilia1ABCDEF, Wrońska Wiktoria2ABCDEF, Nowak Patrycja3ABCDEF, Kropornicka Nikola2ABCDEF,
Weremczuk Karolina2ABCDEF, Witkowska Klaudia4ABCDEF, Rejman Aneta1ABCDEF.
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences
2University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences
3University of Rzeszow, College of Social Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy
4University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences
"Know - How Sport" Research Group of Law and Economics in Sport.
SRPC-ID: SRPC14-2-2024 | Published online: 01-09-2024 | ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Poziom sprawności fizycznej żołnierzy, w wieku 21-25 lat, kompanii zmechanizowanej i kompanii logistycznej
[EN] Physical fitness level of soldiers, aged 21-25, mechanized company and logistics company
Fąfara Mateusz1ABCDEF, Bąk Robert1ABCDEF,
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences