
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci z Atatürk University Faculty of Law (Turcja), ekspert od aspektów prawnych wykorzystania AI poprowadzi zajęcia dla doktorantów w Szkole Doktorskiej UR

Z wielką przyjemnością informujemy o rozpoczęciu realizacji w semestrze letnim 2023/2024 zajęć prowadzonych przez profesora wizytującego Pana Prof. Dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci z Atatürk University Faculty of Law, Turcja.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci Ph.D. jest wybitnym znawcą tematyki związanej z aspektami prawnymi w zakresie rozwoju i wykorzystania sztucznej inteligencji. Podczas swojego pobytu poprowadzi zajęcia m.in. dla studentów i doktorantów kierunku Prawo w ramach cyklu zajęć: warsztaty z ekspertem, przedmiot fakultatywny interdyscyplinarny zatytułowany Artificial Intelligence and its Legal Aspects oraz wygłosi cykl wykładów otwartych dotyczących The tax identity of artificial intelligence.

Pan Profesor Prof.Dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci Ph.D. przebywa w Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim na zaproszenie Pani Prorektor prof. dr hab. Elżbiety Feret z Kolegium Nauk Społecznych oraz Dyrektora Szkoły Doktorskiej UR dra hab. Macieja Wnuka, prof. UR. Jego pobyt był możliwy dzięki wsparciu programu STER NAWA – umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich, projekt: UR an international PhD student (numer projektu BPI/STE/2023/1/00001/U/00001).

We are pleased to inform our doctoral students about the beginning of the summer semester classes taught by Prof. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci, Ph. D., a visiting professor from Atatürk University Faculty of Law, Turkey.

Professor Mehmet Alpertunga Avci, Ph.D. is an outstanding expert in the legal aspects related to the development and use of artificial intelligence. During his stay, he will teach a series of classes within the doctoral school program, i.e. a workshop with an expert, an elective interdisciplinary subject entitled Artificial Intelligence and its Legal Aspects, and will give a series of open lectures addressed to doctoral students about the tax identity of artificial intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet-Alpertunga Avci, Ph.D., is visiting the University of Rzeszow at the invitation of Professor Elżbieta Feret, Vice-Rector of the College of Social Sciences and Maciej Wnuk, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, the Director of the Doctoral School. Prof. Avci’s visit is possible thanks to the co-financing by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA within the STER Programme “Internationalisation of doctoral schools”, the UR project “An international PhD student” (Project No. BPI/STE/2023/1/00001/U/00001).

Poniżej prezentujemy profil badawczy Pana Profesora Mehmet Alpertunga Avci / Professor Mehmet Alpertunga Avci’s research profile can be found below

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Alpertunga Avci PhD. is a full professor and the Chair of Financial Law at Atatürk University Faculty of Law. He is also the Chairman of the Public Law and Financial Law departments and a member of the Faculty Academic Board and Board of Directors. Prof. Avci is a member of the Scientists of Finance of Turkey and serves as the educational and cultural envoy of Atatürk University to Poland and Czechia.
Professor Avci is a highly accomplished academic with numerous publications in Turkey and internationally. At the Faculty of Law, he teaches various subjects, including tax law, international tax law, tax criminal law, tax procedural law, tax system, public finance, public procurement law, audit law, budget law, and scientific ethics-research techniques. In addition to his teaching duties, Professor Avci is the scientific board member and referee for national and international academic journals and events.
Professor Avci has conducted research at universities in Vienna, Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Prague, Brno, Budapest, Bratislava, Rzeszow, and other cities of various countries. He has also carried out joint academic activities and research with academics from Central and Southern European universities.
Professor Avci has been granted an international post-doctoral research fellowship by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye. The grant is for researching the topic of “Internationalization of Taxing Power and Digital Tax Sovereignty”. The research will be carried out at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law in Austria. The project will begin in October 2024 and will continue for one year. Additionally, Professor Avci has also been invited and accepted to participate in research on the same topic at the Max Plank Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich.
Professor Avci’s primary research interests include TaxTech, taxation and artificial intelligence (AI), taxation and digital economy, tax sovereignty and taxing power, international tax law, national and international tax criminal law, supreme audit, and the power of the purse.
