dr hab. prof. UR Iwona Kania-Kłosok

  • Jednostka:
    Instytut Biologii
  • Budynek: D9
  • Pokój: 458
  • Nr telefonu: +4817 785 54 58
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-2325-4308
  • Konsultacje: środa 12.00-14.00


Entomologist, palaeoentomologist, publications on taxonomic and phylogenetics issues of selected groups of insects, classification, morphology and biology of Diptera: Tipulomorpha; scientific activity focuses on paleontology, systematics and evolution of recent and extinct Tipulomorpha, with main research on tipulomorph inclusions in fossil resins. Collaboration within international projects: “Insects in the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber – their taxonomy, palaeobiodiversity and evolution” or “Iberian Amber: An Exceptional Record of Cretaceous Forests at the Rise of Modern Terrestrial Ecosystems”. Co-operation with researchers from Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China; Capital Normal University, Beijing, China or National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Member of Board of International Palaeoentomological Society.
