mgr Magdalena Wójcik

  • Jednostka:
    Instytut Biologii
  • Budynek: D9
  • Pokój: 206
  • Nr telefonu: 17 785 52 06
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-8975-6047
  • Konsultacje: brak


The subject of my scientific interest is aerobiology. I am interested in the biology of fungal spores, their spread over short and long distances, and the influence of environmental parameters on aerobiological phenomena. I've monitored allergenic and pathogenic airborne spores using the volumetric method. I am also interested in the issue of the impact of fungal spores on the spread of plant diseases (cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań). I am a member of the Aerobiological Section of the Polish Botanical Society, I am its secretary.
