dr Rafał Łukasiewicz

  • Jednostka:
    Wydział Prawa i Administracji
  • Budynek: pl. Ofiar Getta 4-5
  • Pokój: 36
  • Nr telefonu: +48 17 872 15 11
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0003-4054-7492
  • Konsultacje dla studentów: Środa 8:00 - 9:30



PhD in civil law (28 November 2017) - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, PhD thesis: 'The child welfare and the interests of other persons’, supervised by: dr hab. Joanna Haberko, prof. UAM, dr Anna N. Schulz.

MA in law (1 March 2013) - University of Rzeszów, MA thesis: 'Co-ownership in the Polish Law', supervised by: dr hab. Stanisław Grobel, prof. UR.


Assistant Professor (1 February 2019 - Present) - Faculty of Law and Administration (currently: Institute of Legal Studies, College of Social Sciences), University of Rzeszów, Poland:
- Courses: Family Law (in Polish and in English), Civil Law - General Part and Property Law (in Polish and in English), Legal Aspects of Medically Assisted Reproduction (in Polish),
- Erasmus+ Departmental Coordination,
- Vice-chairman of electoral committee at the College of Social Sciences,
- Tutor of Students Research Circle of Comparative Civil Law,
- Tutor of Students Legal Advisory (civil law cases),
- Supervisor of the students who prepare their diploma (bachelor) thesis,
- Rector's Award for defending a doctoral dissertation before the age of thirty.

Assistant (1 October 2013 - 31 January 2019) - Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Rzeszów, Poland:
- Courses: Family Law (in Polish), Civil Law - General Part and Property Law (in Polish), Introduction to Legal Theory (in Polish),
- Other positions: Secretary in Recruiting Committee, Tutor of Students Research Circle of Philosphy and Theory of Law.


Scholarships or Fellowships:

- University of Liverpool (16 - 29 August 2021) - 'Title of Honorary Senior Research Assistant',
- 'Mediterranea' International Centre for Human Rights Research (1 August 2020 - 31 August 2021) - 'Post-Doctoral Programme in 'New Technologies and Law'
- University 'Mediterranea' of Reggio Calabria (15 May - 31 July 2019 and 15 - 30 September 2019) - 'Call for Visiting Professors'

International Cooperation:

- University of Lisbon (8 - 12 May 2023)
- Staff Mobility for Teaching (Erasmus+)
- University of Manchester (23 November 2022)
- Visiting Lecturer
- University DaSalle in Canoas (6 July 2022) - Visiting Lecturer (on-line)
- Ghent University (25 -29 October 2021) - Master of Didactics,
- Russian Social State University in Moscow (1 - 6 March 2020) - Job shadowing (Erasmus+)
- University 'Waseda' in Tokyo (28 June 2019) - Visiting Lecturer,
- Chuo University in Tokyo (27 June 2019) - Visiting Lecturer,
- Takasaki City University of Economics (25 June 2019) - Visiting Lecturer,
- Charles University in Prague (23 -30 April 2019) - Visiting Researcher and Lecturer,
- Masaryk University in Brno (1 - 5 April 2019) - Staff Mobility for Teaching (Erasmus+)
- University 'Complutense' in Madrid (26 February - 5 March 2019) - Monitoring Visit (Erasmus+),
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (13 February 2019) - Visiting Lecturer,
- University 'Mediterranea' in Reggio Calabria (14 - 21 October 2018 and 5 December 2018) - Visiting Lecturer
- University 'Pablo de Olavide' in Sevilla (25 - 29 April 2016) - Staff Mobility for Teaching (Erasmus+)
- Catholic University 'San Vincence Martir' in Valencia (4 - 8 May 2015) - Staff Mobility for Teaching (Erasmus+)


- I Forum Prawa Rodzinnego - aspekty prawne i socjologiczne nt. “Rodzicielstwo” (1st Forum of the Family Law - legal and socilogical aspects - Parenthood'), 17 May 2022, University of Rzeszów
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law – European and South American Perspectives, 19 January 2021, University of Rzeszów,
- International Scientific Conference “The Protection of Human Rights in Europe and South America, 29 November 2021, University of Rzeszów,
- Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa 'Piecza zastępcza i przysposobienie w polskim systemie prawa' (National Scientific Conference Foster Care and Adoption in the Polish legal system', 13-14 November 2018, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa 'Prawo azjatyckie z perspektywy europejskiej' ('National Scientific Conference Asian Law from the European Perspective', 24 November 2017,
- Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa 'Prawo rodzinne i spadkowe wobec współczesnych zjawisk technologicznych i społecznych' (National Scientific Conference Family Law and Inheritance Law on the current technological and social phenomenon), 9-10 November 2017, University of Rzeszów,
- Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa 'Wokół problematyki małżeństwa w aspekcie materialnym i procesowym' (National Scientific Conference 'The considerations on the issue of marriage in the the light of subtantive and procedural provisions'), 7-8 November 2016, University of Rzeszów,


- Member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology,
- Expert at Global AI Ethics Institute.


- Reports for the Polish Institute of Justice,
- Reviewer of Prawo w działaniu (Law in action), Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny (Poznań Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology) and Białostockie Studia Prawnicze (Bialystok Legal Studies).
- Participation in Projekt „Studium analityczno-praktyczne zapobiegania przestępczości w obszarze handlu dziećmi i surogacji” (Analytical and practical study of crime prevention in the area of child trafficking and surrogacy), GRANT_NUMBER:
- Participant in the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Mentorship Programme,
- Member of 'the IFFS' Jurists Special Interest Group' (The International Federation of Fertility Societies)
