Limnophilinae (Diptera: Nematocera) w eoceńskim bursztynie bałtyckim / Limnophilinae (Diptera: Nematocera) in Eocene Baltic amber
Opis w języku polskim |
Description in English |
Dyscyplina / Discipline |
Nauki Biologiczne |
Biological Sciences |
Promotor / Supervisor |
dr hab. Iwona Kania-Kłosok, prof. UR
dr hab. Iwona Kania-Kłosok, prof. UR
Tytuł tematu badawczego / Title of the research topic |
Limnophilinae (Diptera: Nematocera) w eoceńskim bursztynie bałtyckim |
Limnophilinae (Diptera: Nematocera) in Eocene Baltic amber |
Opis tematu badawczego / Description of the research topic |
Najstarsze muchówki z rodziny Limoniidae, do której należy podrodzina Limnophilinae, znane są z późnego triasu. |
The oldest flies of the family Limoniidae, to which the subfamily Limnophilinae belongs, are known from the late Triassic. From the early Jurassic, Limoniidae become frequent among fossils originating in Europe and Asia. In the Middle Cretaceous, not only Triassic and Jurassic Limoniidae are known, but also representatives of modern genera. Currently, the family includes about eleven thousand species, however, the classification of Limoniidae is still under discussion. Within the family Limoniidae, there are four recent and two known only from the fossil record subfamilies Architipulinae and Eotipulinae. The largest of the currently represented subfamilies within the Limoniidae family are representatives of the Chioneinae, with 60 genera and 81 subgenera, followed by Limnophilinae with 52 genera, 57 subgenera, Limoniinae with 34 genera and 73 subgenera, and Dactylolabinae with one genus and four subgenera. The subfamily Limnophilinae is well represented in fossil materials, including resins. Eocene Baltic amber has been preserved numerous inclusions and diverse specimens of Limnophilinae, however, the state of knowledge of this group is insufficient. New fossil materials may provide additional point to the discussion of evolution and systematics of these flies. A systematic revision of inclusions, representatives of the Limnophilinae from Eocene Baltic amber, is also needed. |
Słowa klucze / Keywords |
Limoniidae, taksonomia, ewolucja |
Limoniidae, taxonomy, evolution |
Oczekiwane kompetencje/umiejętności od kandydata na doktoranta / Expected competences/skills from the candidate for a PhD student |
Wiedza w zakresie taksonomii, filogenezy, paleobiologii, entomologii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem morfologii ciała muchówek (Diptera). Bardzo dobra znajomość języka polskiego i języka angielskiego. Umiejętność obsługi programów graficznych, takich jak np. Corel. |
Knowledge in the field of taxonomy, phylogeny, paleobiology, entomology, with particular references to the morphology of Diptera. Very good knowledge of Polish and English. Ability to use graphics programs, such as Corel.