- Badania literatury i czasopiśmiennictwa epok staropolskich i polskiego oświecenia oraz form gatunkowych / The study of literature and periodicals of the Old Polish and Polish Enlightenment Ages as well as genre types zobacz więcej
- Literatura polska XIX wieku, mity i legendy narodowe oraz problemy i konteksty edukacji polonistycznej /Polish literature of the 19th century, myths and national legends as well as the issues and contexts of Polish language education zobacz więcej
- Problemy historii, teorii, antropologii literatury i kultury polskiej XX-XXI wieku oraz badania nad mediami / The issues of history, theory, anthropology of literature and Polish culture of the 20th and 21st centuries as well as the research on media zobacz więcej
- Problemy i konteksty literatury i kultury światowej oraz zagadnienia teoretycznoliterackie i porównawcze /The issues and contexts of world literature and culture as well as theoretical-literary and comparative matters zobacz więcej