Check-list AF

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2021-2027)
ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468



Have you already prepared all the documents to be attached to the Application Form?

If not, go back to the previous page and read again what you need to have on-hand with you.

If all is set:

- certificate from the Dean's Office with the average grade from the course of studies calculated as for the certificate

- language certificate or teacher's opinion specifying the level of foreign language proficiency (does not apply to students of philology and other courses in English)

- application letter

- substantive opinion of the research/didactic teacher about the candidate

- supervisor's opinion (if the student intends to go abroad in his last year of study)

- opinion of the head of the student organization / supervisor of the scientific club, etc. (if applicable)

- a copy of your previous Erasmus study or internship certificate (if applicable)

- certificate from the Dean's Office on receiving a social scholarship (if applicable)

- certificate of disability (if applicable)

- passport photo


You can now proceed to fill in the on-line Application Form.

The questionnaire completed, printed and signed by the student should be brought together with the above-mentioned attachments and a photo to the Section of Academic Exchange and Foreign Students of the Education Department of the University of Rzeszów (Rejtana 16 C, room 44, Rzeszów)

REMARK!!!! Incomplete documentation or documents completed contrary to the above recommendations - will not be considered !!!


Submitting documents with attachments - March