mgr Ewelina Cop

ORCID: 0009-0003-6288-6134

The topic of my dissertation is: Enhancing Emotional Stability and Resilience in the Generation Z: Critical Thinking, Communication and Digital Literacy in SLA Setting”

My main area of ​​interest is foreign language acquisition with particular regard to glottodidactics.

The topic of enhancing emotional stability and resilience in Generation Z as well as teaching global skills, including critical thinking, communication and digital literacy in a foreign language acquisition setting is a scientifically unexplored area. Although research has so far been conducted on each of the above components separately, examining the relationship between them and focusing on Generation Z, in terms of an SLA environment is relatively new and needs to be further exploited. The core aim of the study is to assess the correlation between emotional stability and resilience among Generation Z students, taking into account their unique characteristics and needs, and furthermore to evaluate the techniques and methods applied in the SLA environment to effectively teach critical thinking, communication and digital skills. In addition, the research objective is to determine the impact of teaching the abovementioned global skills in a second language acquisition (SLA) environment as a way to enhance emotional stability and resilience. Generation Z, or more colloquially the iGeneration, poses many new challenges in the process of teaching a foreign language. Its representatives have been raised in a highly digitized world, for whom reality reflects two dimensions: substantial and virtual. Information overload greatly hinders the acquisition of knowledge, and thus can contribute to emotional imbalance and loss of determination during foreign language learning. The conduct of the study as well as the anticipated results are designed to provide assistance in developing a way to practise global skills in an accessible yet practical manner, allowing students to navigate the ever-changing world, using imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.


  • Cop, E. & Indycka, P. (2022) "Is it possible to polish your students' English with Polish? Evaluating the role of L1 in the ESL classroom." Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: the Students' Voices 10, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
  • Cop, E. (2022) "The Southern Gothic picture of Christianity and society in "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor." Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: the Students' Voices 10, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.