mgr Piotr Wojtaszek
Piotr Wojtaszek, M.A. - ORCID: 0000-0001-5446-1097
The topic of my dissertation is: „The rural trend in polish prose after 1984”
The doctoral dissertation will be devoted to the rural trend in polish prose after 1984. The issues related to this area of Polish literature have not yet been discussed synthetically in the form of an individual monograph, despite the fact that research on the peasant/rural trend has gained in popularity in recent years to such an extent that the entire phenomenon has been called the „plebeian turn” in the humanities. There is also a lack of contemporary considerations on the name of the trend itself. Another research gap is the lack of studies on the influence of philosophy on the shape of the rural trend. The latest literature, which is part of the „plebeian turn” phenomenon and represents the rural trend, requires a pioneering collective study, encompassing research in the fields of geopoetics, postcolonial, postdependence and biographical studies, as well as ecocriticism and cultural anthropology.
I set the caesura of 1984 by recognizing that the novel „Stone upon stone” by Wiesław Myśliwski ends the classic period of this trend, and the significance of the event, which was its premiere and the fact that no work of similar rank was published later, while further talk about „peasants” in the context of village inhabitants has become outdated, allows me to put forward the thesis that Myśliwski's work marked the boundary after which the peasant trend had to redefine itself. This is the reason why I decided to use the word „rural” and not „peasant” in the title of my dissertation.
The 1990s brought this redefinition in the form of books showing the post-rural reality manifested in the disappearance of customs, social groups and institutions that constituted the former shape of the village. The new wave of this literature, which occurred after 2010, highlights issues such as the attempt to find a new, capitalist reality, the progressive secularization of society, the elegiac nature of the countryside and childhood memories, the sadness associated with the withering away of the old rural culture, its clash with the urban culture and its drastically different lifestyle.
The aim of my doctoral dissertation would therefore be to determine what the old and contemporary rural/peasant trend is and what is its current state of research. No synthetic book has yet been written that discusses the contemporary emanation of the peasant trend. Its creation is necessary to fully understand the changes that are taking place in one of the most important trends in old and contemporary polish prose.
- P. Wojtaszek, Wielka wojna cywilizacyjna (w Kamieniu na kamieniu), „Twórczość” 2022, nr 3, s. 103-108.
- P. Wojtaszek, Bovaryzm dla mas, „Fraza” 2023, nr 1-2, s. 329-338.
- P. Wojtaszek, Upokorzony przez historię, „Fraza” 2022, nr 1-4, s. 334-336
- P. Wojtaszek, Więźniarka nienawiści, „Fraza” 2023, nr 3, s. 330-332.
- P. Wojtaszek, Pamięć, mit, grzech – o „Chołodzie” Szczepana Twardocha, „Nowy Napis Co Tydzień” 2023, nr 226, [dostęp: 20.11.2024].
- P. Wojtaszek, Rysio muzykant, „Fraza” 2024, nr 3 [w druku].
- P. Wojtaszek, To jest mój Heimat – Górny Śląsk we wczesnej prozie Szczepana Twardocha, „Fraza” 2022, nr 1-4, s. 206-219.
- P. Wojtaszek, Formy męskości i kobiecości we wczesnej twórczości Szczepana Twardocha, „Prace Literaturoznawcze” 2023, z. 11, s. 149-164.
- P. Wojtaszek, Konserwatywna konceptualizacja. O wczesnej twórczości Szczepana Twardocha, „Konteksty Kultury” 2023, t. 20, z. 4, s. 480-494.
- P. Wojtaszek, Sytuacje graniczne. Wątki autobiograficzne we wczesnej twórczości Szczepana Twardocha, „Autobiografia. Literatura, kultura, media” 2024, nr 2 [w druku].