mgr Rostyslav Marunych

ORCID 0000-0002-2246-8988

The topic of my dissertation is "Validation of agile smart interfaces for cell sorting".
My research focuses on theoretical background and practical validation of successfulness in agile smart surfaces for cell sorting creating. Most common modern methods for cell sorting, like FACS or MACS are based on the use of expensive antibodies. They are frequently associated with damaging cells with a laser irradiation or other electromagnetic fields, or even with activation of those due to specific interactions with antibodies. Thus, as a result of traditional cell sorting approaches nearly 50% of cells can be lost, aberrantly activated or significantly damaged.
Smart surfaces that can change their activity and sorption capability with temperature, consist of two types of materials. First type is suitable for cells adhering to the surface and second component detaches them into temperature controlled manner. Smart surface validation requires the use of simple and illustrative cellular models. Model cell lines of different tissue origin will be stably transduced by fluorescent proteins of wide color spectrum. As a result, model cells will illuminate fluorescence at various specific colors channels It will help us to detect the number of attached and detached cells and uniformity of cellular populations upon their sorting. My main task is to participate into generation of convenient cellular models and validation as well as optimization of smart surface sorting technology.
Our promising technology has a potential be used for selection of required non-damaged specialized therapeutic cell types for regenerative medicine of future.


International High-risk - high reward project:
“EAGER IMPRESS-U: High Throughput Agile Interfaces for Cell Sorting (HiTACS)”

1. PyrogovaL.V., BereznitskyG.K., GogolinskayaG.K., PlatonovaT.M., KolesnikovaL.M., MasenkoO.O., MarunychR.Yu., TsapP.Yu., UsheninYu.V., MakogonrnkoY.M., LugovskoiE.V. Comparative analysis of the influence of Chlorine and fluorine anions on the fibrin polymerization //Ukr.Biochem.J.,2019, Vol.91,N.6.,P.27-37.
2. Y.M.Stohnii, M.V.Ryzhykova, A.V.Rebriev, M.D.Kuchma, R.Y. Marunych, V.O.Chernyshenko, V.A.Shablii, N.M.Lypova, O.Yu.Slominskyi, L.V.Garmanchuk, T.M.Platonova, S.V.Komisarenko. Aggregation of platelets, Proliferation of endothelial cells and motility ofcancer cells are mediated by the Bβ1(15)-42residueoffibrin(ogen) //Ukr.Biochem.J.2020;Volume92,Issue2, Mar-Apr,pp.72-84
3. R.Yu.Marunych, O.O.Hrabovskyi, G.K.Bereznytskyj, L.V.Pyrogova, G.K. Gogolinskaya, Ye.M.Makogonenko, Chlorine-binding structures: role and organization in different proteins //Ukr.Biochem.J.2021;Volume93,Issue4,Jul- Aug, pp.5-17.
4. N.V.Storozhuk, L.V.Pyrogova,Т.М.Chernyshenko,O.P.Kostyuchenko, T. M. Platonova, O.B.Storozhuk, B.G.Storozhuk, R.Yu.Marunich, G.K. Bereznytsky, E.M.Makogonenko, Overall hemostasis potential of blood plasma and its connection to molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with stenosis of coronary artery //Ukr.Biochem.J.2021;Volume93,Issue5,Sep-Oct, pp. 31-42.