mgr inż. Konrad Maciejewski

ORCID: 0000-0001-9264-8717

The topic of my dissertation is: Biomechanical assessment of tennis serve technique using the Microsoft Azure Kinect depth camera

Description of the research topic:

Despite numerous studies, a research gap still exists in the context of specific assessment of serve biomechanics in tennis. There is no clear answer as to which tool is the most effective for full biomechanical analysis of the site. Due to the innovative nature of the idea and the low costs of the Azure Kinect depth camera compared to professional equipment such as optical or inertial systems, it would be worth exploring new technologies supporting biomechanical analysis.

The research problem of my dissertation is the validation of the effectiveness of the use of the Microsoft Azure Kinect depth camera in the biomechanical assessment of tennis serving technique.

The aim of the research is to assess the effectiveness of using the Microsoft Azure Kinect depth camera in the biomechanical analysis of tennis serves and to compare the results obtained using the Microsoft Azure Kinect camera with other biomechanical analysis tools.

The expected results of the study may contribute to scientific progress, especially in the field of sports biomechanics. The development and improvement of serve analysis techniques in tennis can lead to both increased training effectiveness and can help prevent injuries, which is crucial for the health and well-being of athletes. In the long term, this study may help to popularize tennis and sport in general, promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The Microsoft Azure Kinect system, thanks to its low price and availability, will be able to support players and trainers without the need for expensive optical or inertial systems.


  • Zestaw ćwiczeń dla klas I-IV liceum [w]: „Wychowanie Fizyczne Online”, pod red: M. Kuźniar, wyd. Fosze, Rzeszów 2021, s. 43-48; ISBN: 978-83-7586-168-6 (wspólnie z Hulewicz T.).


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  • “Diagnostic in Sport 2023”, 5-6.09.2023 r., Presov; “Microsoft Azure Kinect as a tool for assessing athlete movement – a pilot study”.