mgr Aleksandra Kiper

ORCID: 0000-0002-3108-5524

The topic of my dissertation is: Effects of biofeedback training on cognitive and motor functions in children with intellectual disabilities”

Biofeedback-based therapy maximizes the effects of motor re-education through enhanced feedback. The biofeedback system provides children with motivation to better engage in motor tasks. In Poland, the use of biofeedback-based therapy for children with various psychomotor problems is still little known and applied in pedagogical-rehabilitation practice. Current scientific research confirms the positive impact of biofeedback therapy on cognitive or mental functions, however, it mainly deals with psychological and pedagogical issues and does not take into account comprehensive rehabilitation programs. After an in-depth analysis of scientific articles, it was noted that the topic of rehabilitation using biofeedback in school-aged children with mental retardation - is neglected. Therefore, based on an analysis of the domestic and foreign literature available at the moment, a gap in knowledge has been identified, which concerns the comparison of the effects of rehabilitation using biofeedback methods and conventional therapy on changes in concentration, attention, sensory functions, large and small motor skills, posture and self-care in children with intellectual disabilities. The examination will be performed twice, the initial one before the start of therapy, and the control one after the 3-week rehabilitation program has been completed. The following tools will be used to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation: AMTI dynamography platform, Romberg Test, Up and Go Test - assessment of static and dynanmic balance, ZEBRIS computer system - assessment of posture, HEG Biofeedback (hemoencephalography) - assessment of concentration and attention, AVLT (Auditory-Verbal Lerning Test), Bourdon-Wiersma Test - assessment of cognitive functions, Southern California Sensory Integration Test - assessment of sensory function, Box and Block Test, dynamometer - assessment of hand function, Eurofit Special Test - assessment of physical fitness, PedsQLTM Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire - assessment of quality of life, Barthel Scale - assessment of functional ability. The expected outcome of the study is to confirm or reject the hypothesis that traditional rehabilitation combined with biofeedback training produces better results in improving motor and cognitive functions, relative to conventional rehabilitation. In addition, the result of the study will be a protocol for the management of school-aged children with motor function disorders associated with impaired cognitive functions. The developed material, will be a practical supplement to therapeutic programs, especially useful in the work of psychological and pedagogical clinics, rehabilitation and sensory integration offices, or centers implementing early support of child development.


  • Wolan-Nieroda, A., Wojnarska, A., Mańko, G. et al. Assessment of rehabilitation effects in children with mild intellectual disability. Sci Rep 13, 15541 (2023).
  • Juszczyk, K., Wolan-Nieroda A., Kiper, A., Guzik, A. Assessment of static and dynamic balance of actively dancing children. The Book of Articles - National Scientific Conference “Knowledge – Key to Success” VII edition (2023): 7-14.
  • Dziemian, K., Kiper, A., Baba, A., Baldan, F., Alhelou, M., Agostini, M., Turolla, A., Kiper, P. The effect of robot therapy assisted by surface EMG on hand recovery in post-stroke patients. A pilot study. Med Rehabil 2017; 21(4): 4-10. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0011.7401.
  • Kiper, P., Baba, A., Agostini, M., Turolla, A., Kiper, A., Nowobilski, R., Opara, J., Szczudlik, A. (2017). Plastyczność mózgu i uczenie motoryczne po udarze. Aktualny stan wiedzy. Rehabilitacja W Praktyce, no. 1 (2017): 65–68.
  • Kiper, A., Dziemian, K., Baba, A., Agostini, M., Turolla, A., Kiper, O. (2016) Wpływ innowacyjnych technologii na usprawnianie kończyny górnej u chorych po udarze mózgu. Rehabilitacja w Praktyce. 2016, Nr 2, s. 61-65.
  • Kiper, A., Dziemian, K., Sochoń, K., Zalewska A., Wojtkowski, J., Kiper, P. (2015) Innowacyjne metody rehabilitacji pacjentów poudarowych - terapia wirtualna. W: E. Krajewska-Kułak, C. Łukaszuk, J. Lewko i W. Kułak, red., Holistyczny wymiar współczesnej medycyny. T. 1. Praca zbiorowa. 600–610.
  • Frentz L., Gallou W., Gran A., Jerome I., Leclercq C., & Kiper A. (2023). Systematic Review of EMG-Driven Robots in Lower Extremity Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe, 6(3),119–131.
  • Kiper, P., Godart, N., Cavalier, M., Berard, C., Cieślik, B., Federico, S., Kiper, A., Pellicciari, L., Meroni, R. Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality on Upper-Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 146.