mgr Aleksandra Żołyniak-Brzuchacz

ORCID: 0000-0002-0718-0206

The topic of my dissertation is: „Diagnostics and therapeutic possibilities of using photosensitizers in gynecological oncology”.

Introduction: Cancerous diseases of the female genital organs (including breast cancer) are among the most common diseases affecting women. Less than 50% of all malignant tumors occur in this location. The most common are: endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer. Standard medical treatment for cancer includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. However, commonly practiced methods do not always bring the expected results, hence the search for more effective methods. Modern and dynamically developing photodynamic therapy is a promising medical procedure for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive organs, including precancerous and cancerous conditions. Endoscopic access to the uterus puts PDT in the spotlight in the treatment of many diseases of the reproductive system. The essential element of the therapy is a photosensitizer. The next important factor is a light source with the appropriate wavelength that intensifies the PS accumulated at the tumor site. The third factor is oxygen. The energy obtained from the light wave is redirected to molecular oxygen and then produces reactive oxygen species. PDT has significant advantages. It is a highly selective, local and minimally invasive therapy and helps preserve fertility in women of reproductive age. Current research around the world highlights a promising area of research in the field of conservative treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the reproductive organs, focusing especially on better results that can be achieved thanks to the implementation of new photosensitizers in therapy.

Aim: The study will aim to assess the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of using photosensitizers in gynecological oncology. An additional goal will be to assess the quality of life of women with cancer undergoing photodynamic therapy based on a literature review. Through the implementation of the project, we strive to optimize the quality of life of women with gynecological cancer. We will evaluate the impact of this new therapy on improving diagnosis and treatment by implementing an in vitro project on material from gynecological oncology patients.

Material and methods: The subject of the study will be a group of 20 patients with endometrial cancer treated surgically. Inclusion criteria for the study: adults, informed written consent to participate in the study, logical contact with the patient. Exclusion criteria: lack of qualifications for surgical treatment, minors, people without verbal-logical contact.

The research method related to the photodynamic method will be performed and developed on the FluoTime 300 "EasyTau" apparatus. The research will be carried out at the University Clinical Hospital. Fryderyk Chopin in Rzeszów at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics and at the Department of Photomedicine and Physical Chemistry at the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszów.

Expected results: The implementation of the research project will influence the development of science, allowing society to become familiar with a new and future-oriented procedure for holistic cancer therapy. Compared to other therapeutic methods in oncology, PDT is distinguished by selectivity with equivalent therapeutic effects. The growing interest in cancer treatment using optical techniques is due to their non-invasiveness and high sensitivity. In addition, new methods are constantly being discovered to increase the effectiveness of PDT. Combinations of the method with other techniques allow for significant improvement in treatment results and reduction of side effects of therapy. Taking into account the above aspects, photodynamic therapy is gaining an increasingly important position - not only in the development of science, among clinicians, but above all among patients. It is expected that the coming years will be a period of observing the dynamic development of photodynamic diagnostics and therapy.

Key words: photodynamic therapy, photosensitizers, gynecological cancers, endometrial cancer


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