mgr Agnieszka Baran-Madera
ORCID: 0000-0001-5014-4879
The topic of my dissertation is: ” Pre-trial proceedings as a method of organizing civil proceedings”
I am a PhD student in the discipline of legal sciences. My research interests concern civil proceeding. I am also interested in corporate and commercial law.
The proper organization of civil proceedings, always of vital importance, at the end of 2019 took on an even more prominent status. This has happened due to the amendment of the Code of Civil Procedure carried out under the Act of 04/07/2019 amending the Act – the Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts which introduced a new, so far unknown stage into civil proceedings: “pre-trial proceeding”. Its key institution is the pre-trial hearing. The pre-trial proceeding was introduced as a remedy for the progressive decline in judicial efficiency in civil cases.
The analysis of the issue of pre - trial proceedings as a mode of organization of civil proceedings is primarily intended to allow verification of whether pre-trial proceedings can indeed be an appropriate tool for the organization of civil proceedings, and thus contribute to increase the efficiency, speed and effectiveness of these proceedings.
Due to the complex nature of the issue chosen as the subject matter of the dissertation, resolution of this issue will require the application of a various research methods used in the science of law. The following research methods will be applied: formal-dogmatic method, contextual method, comparative method, historical-descriptive method and functional method.
The preparation of a doctoral dissertation devoted to the problems of pre-trial proceedings is intended to fill a gap in the literature on that subject matter. The dissertation will therefore not only contribute to the development of science by introducing into the literature a monographic study containing a detailed analysis of this topic but also should provide helpful compendium in law enforcement practice.